See album description- This was a Christmas present from my daughter Chelsea in 2004. This was a very, very difficult year for me, and when I opened this gift I was just blown away that she made this. I have gotten so many hours of use out of this, and I have written countless pages by the colored light that comes out. So many times I would pause to let the blood move back into my hand and just stare at the reflecting colors. I will go into a small trance-like state and remember that Christmas, remember the gift that she gave out of love, and the many-many lessons that I learned about life, love, and what really matters.
Tags: Personal Relics Chelsea Stained Glass Candle Holder Present Sentimental Personal Story
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See album description- I have talked about my friend Rene who took his life a few years ago. This is one of the bullets that would have gone into his gun. When the gun went off I ran in the other room and held him until the life and warmth left his body- crying and cursing at him the whole time... and the gun lay smoking at his side. This bullet was left in his pocket and since I signed the release papers I also picked up his belongings.
It may seem like a morbid item to keep, but it is a reminder of the other side of life. It reminds me constantly that life isn't easy- it never was meant to be a piece of cake. But it's all about how you deal, cope, adept and over come the obstacles that life throws at you. Having lost my sister, yes- I have a certain degree of anger with people who chose to throw away something so prescious as life. My sister- I would give anything to have her back with me. My friend Rene who took his life, I would give anything to have him back... but that's not going to happen.
When I see this, I remember what he threw away that cursed night, how much of a coward he was... how much he meant to me and how much I miss him. And best of all, that no matter how crappy my life or pain may feel at times... I am never going to do what he did: because I know what life is like on the other side.
Tags: Personal Relics Rene Bullet Suicide Sentimental Personal Story
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See album description- I went through a rather nasty divorce in 1999… ten years ago now. Right after I left home my best friend who had been sleeping with my wife, and another really good friend came to the house and changed all the locks on the house. My soon to be ex wife threw all of my belongings in the garage. I was alone, destitute, and now living with my parents because I had no where else to go. The two friends were fraternity brothers who had committed one of the absolute worst "crimes" you could commit- betrayal.
Now when I had crossed over into the fraternity that stands for principles so very dear to me, I drank Crown Royal that night to celebrate. Let me be more specific: I litterally drank an entire liter of Crown Royal in about 30 minutes and by all rights should have died. Two friends stuck by me in that worst time- the same two friends who now betrayed me.
After my divorce I got a free trip to Las Vegas for Y2K. Truth be told, I couldn't think of a better city to be in for Y2K except maybe New York. It was an awesome trip, and it was just what the doctor ordered. The trip was about 45 days after I "left" the house so a lot of hurts were fresh in me. While walking through a casino I saw this bottle... right then and there a myriad of different thoughts came through me... this was my turning point.
I could be a miserable person- I could drink and smoke my life away and become a waste- consumed with haterd over the betrayal of two dear friends and a woman I'd loved for years... or I could start my life fresh and new and never look back. The bottle to this day reminds me of the two friends who chose betrayal over loyalty. Where once they were so very loyal- now they gave it all away. I would have given anything including my life to help them- and anyone who would throw that level of love or loyalty away has no place in my life. It is a reminder that my life could hit rock bottom and no matter how much I didn't think I could ever go on... I could. I could make the right decisions- I could make the right choices. And what of the three? Bless them and move on... they dig their own karma debt that they'll have to answer to. We live and learn- we pick up and move on. We build ourselves up and walk blindly in faith...
Tags: Personal Relics Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey Karma Betrayal Sentimental Personal Story
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See album description- I remember the day still so clearly in my mind. I had just come from one of my Senior level University exams that was one of those all-day tests. Literally, it was all day. I started the exam at 7:00am and left at 5:00pm, 750 questions later (most of which were multiple part questions). The test itself was meant to challenge you and it did... mission accomplished Mr. Physics teacher- sadist.
I left the exam and the sun was still up at least. The campus was bare, and it was cool outside. I began to have this almost out of body experience where I really sat back and asked myself, "Is this really what I want for the rest of my life???" All I could think about was one person. It wasn't my soon to be wife (and then ex wife)... it was her daughter, Chelsea.
I drove home to San Antonio which was about an hour away to her house. I was so emotionally spent- I was physically dry- and every mile that passed all that I could think to myself was "I don't know what I want out of life, but this isn't it… I don't know what I want out of life, but this isn't it... "
I got home and Chelsea was home at her grandmother's house where they were both living at the time. I took Chelsea out in the back yard and pushed her on the swing. All the while I kept having the same thoughts over and over, "I don't know what I want out of life, but this isn't it... ". I had Chelsea's cup of Cheerios- her snack. She got herself down off the swing and reached her arms out for me to hold her and so I picked her up. She was still so small that I could hold her on my forearm and she would have her arm around my neck. She looked at me, and kept picking up the Cheerios from the cup. Then she looked at me, and said, "I think you need one of these cause you look so sad!" And with that she put this Cheerio in my shirt pocket and smiled.
Right then I knew what I wanted... Chelsea in my life, and I never looked back. Everything else just seemed to fall into place- even when everything in my world was falling out of place, she and I have always kept each other balanced.
Tags: Personal Relics Chelsea Cheerios Personal Story
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See album description- A little bit of a lighter subject,… my first personal Cutco knife. This baby is sharp, and when I say sharp I mean it is sharp. These knives are so well crafted that the people who use them will swear by them till the day they die, and I am one of them.
When I bought the knife, I also bought a full tang serated blade in a special rubber designed handle and a leather sheath. When pulled it out of the sheath it sliced the thick leather knife strap and sent it falling to the floor. Just grazing over the leather like it was butter- now that's sharp.
My favorite story with this knife was when I went to get it engraved. I went to the counter at my local Sears where they engraved items for a small charge. The woman at the counter looked at the knife and inspected it. She chuckled and sneered to herself. I asked her what was so funny and her reply was "Oh I see it's made in America so it can't be all that good or sharp." I thought to myself, "Wow- this employee is insulting a customer's posession... and man she better respect the blade or she'll be in stitches." She told me to come back in about 30 minutes.
I came back an hour later to see the same woman at the same counter. She saw me coming but could not look me in the eye. I looked at her when she reached for my knife in the box that I brought it in, and her right thumb was wrapped in gauze about three times the size of her thumb. I didn't chuckle or sneer at her pain. All I said was "American isn't so bad, and Cutco is the best blade out there... now you know that's true too." She never said a word.
Tags: Personal Relics Cutco Blade Engraved Personal Story Pocket Knife Double Blade
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