I am a person of great ambition. I am always setting goals, looking ahead to what I want and will accomplish in the day, week and year. After years of abuse and a deep lack of self-worth, I really discovered how to have dreams. Well, not just have them but how to make them a reality. I broke through a lot of the oppression and darkness in my life and learned that not only can I have dreams but I SHOULD have dreams… we all should. We’re all worthy, and we all should want something better for ourselves. I don’t see that as greed in any way… I see it as ambition.
I have my list of Lifetime Dreams- a bucket list as some people call it. I started out with 101, and as I have accomplished dreams I have added to my list. At the close of 2010 I have checked 67 Dreams off my list, and the list has expanded from 101 to 155 since 2003. Every year I try to complete 12 dreams off my list; some years I’ve done more, some years less.
I have what I call “The 15”. The 15 is basically a set of 15 different things that I want to see happen in my life within 12 months that cannot just “happen”. Things that faith alone will really make happen. For example if it’s something that has a cost far exceeding my budget- the Universe has got to intercede on my behalf to make that happen. There are tasks that need to be completed and I may not have the strength, or I may simply not know the way. In 2010 I completed all but 6, and of those 2 I am about to complete in the beginning of 2011, 1 I was so close but it was a blessing that I didn’t complete it. That’s a pretty good percentage!
Third and finally I have Personal Goals that I work on; some are related to dreams, some are related to work, and some are just life goals. It sounds like a lot, but that’s where my Project Management background comes in and plots out tasks and time lines, etc. It’s a labor of love that really helps develop a sense of accomplishment.
I figure that if I am so dedicated to this ambition of completing my dreams, I should be able to showcase a step taken every day. Some days it may be about a completed dream, or a dream that I’m not expecting to complete for 3 years. It may be a personal goal and it may be part of “the 15” that I simply believe will come to pass. However they are categorized… that’s where I’m headed in my 2011 365. Thanks for being a part of the ride!!
Tags: 365 Days 365 Days 2011 365 More Days in 2011 Photos In 2011 365 Alumni Year 3 365 Days Year 3 Lifetime Dreams Bucket List Personal Dreams Personal Goals Wish List Before I Die Accomplishments Photography Daily Photo Photo Journal Day In The Life Goals Desire Believe Ambition 2011inPhotos A Pic A Day
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Lifetime Dream # 151 of my list of 155: I will complete my second journal of 3,000 pages, reflecting on the many paths and experiences that I walk through day after day, month after month. I will keep the same design with parchment paper, and make each page's design unique.
Background: I completed my first journal of 3,000 pages in late 2008, took a three month break, and then I started a new journal in March of 2009. Over the years I have spent many hours by the light of a candle, MP3 player on, and G-2 pen in my hand. I’ve written through many hurts and found healing. I have solved many questions and issues through the simple act of writing. I had to set my journaling aside when I quit smoking because it was such a trigger, but after almost a year and a half of being a non-smoker, I am anxious to get back to writing.
I worked through so many things in my first volume, and I think that volume two will be even better for me- and even more artistic in nature!
Tags: 365 Days 365 Days 2011 365 More Days in 2011 Photos In 2011 365 Alumni Year 3 365 Days Year 3 Lifetime Dreams Bucket List Personal Dreams Personal Goals Wish List Before I Die Accomplishments Photography Daily Photo Photo Journal Day In The Life Goals Desire Believe Ambition 2011inPhotos A Pic A Day Canon Canon Photography T1i Journal Personal Journal Candle light Candle G2 G2 Pen Journaling Writing Pen
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Lifetime Dream # 55 of my list of 155: I will have a collection of the guitar string ends that I have used over the years, showcasing the amount of playing I have done. I will have one decanter filled with electric ends and acoustic string ends. I will etch the glass decanter, and keep them for display in my studio.
Many of my Lifetime Dreams are collections of things that basically sum up to an accomplishment. I always wanted some form of collection to show how much I have played on the guitar, and the ends of the guitar strings seemed a fairly logical example. I am absolutely in love with the Fender Super Bullet strings, using both .10 and .11 gauge strings (depending on the guitar). These are specifically designed to fit in the tail piece of the Fender Guitars, but I still love to use them on all my other guitars.
While the shot does not capture the size of the decanter, it is a wonderful Pottery Barn glass. It will take quite a lot of playing to fill this up, and at around $5 a pack of Strings, a lot of money too. Not all dreams are cheap or happen overnight, right?
Tags: 365 Days 365 Days 2011 365 More Days in 2011 Photos In 2011 365 Alumni Year 3 365 Days Year 3 Lifetime Dreams Bucket List Personal Dreams Personal Goals Wish List Before I Die Accomplishments Photography Daily Photo Photo Journal Day In The Life Goals Desire Believe Ambition 2011inPhotos A Pic A Day Canon Canon Photography T1i Fender Stratocaster Guitar G+L Super Bullets Decantur Pottery Barn Guitar Strings Single Coil
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Lifetime Dream # 93 of my list of 155: I will become an expert marksman at throwing knives. I will be able to throw and hit targets from far away distances, hitting them with consistent accuracy. I will have different styles and colors of throwing knives, looking for interesting and unique shapes.
I saw a movie when I was a kid that involved a really complex plot, and somewhere in the plot the main character had a knife that he used hit targets (and later villains). Such a random thing to inspire me, but I always wanted to learn how to throw knives. I mastered Archery in college; I suppose it’s only natural that this is next as I have no real desire to own a gun!
Tags: 365 Days 365 Days 2011 365 More Days in 2011 Photos In 2011 365 Alumni Year 3 365 Days Year 3 Lifetime Dreams Bucket List Personal Dreams Personal Goals Wish List Before I Die Accomplishments Photography Daily Photo Photo Journal Day In The Life Goals Desire Believe Ambition 2011inPhotos A Pic A Day Canon Canon Photography T1i Throwing Knives Knife Chrome Hand Palm United Cutlery
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Lifetime Dream # 54 of my list of 155: I will have a collection of 1,000 guitar picks, showing the musical achievements in my life. I will collect red, green, and blue Fender abalone shell picks, placing them in a collector's binder with their number and what event the number represents.
Some of my dreams, this one included, involve collections of one sort. Day 3 of this year showed the collection of Guitar Strings, and Guitar Picks is another thing that I have enjoyed collecting over the years.
When I compose a song I keep the pick, when I perform a gig I have kept one of the picks as well. I keep them for anything that I would consider important. “Oh I practiced my scales today for thirty minutes so I’ll keep the pick I used…” Hardly. I will keep them for things and events that have very tangible memories with them.
It plays into the sentimental and nostalgic side of me. The simplest of things can have the most profound memories. I truly try not to collect things that will take up lots of space, like cars, boats, or dish washers in the front yard like some people.
Am I particular about what picks I use? Absolutely. When you find something that works- use it and keep with it. I use only Fender Hard Abalone picks in red, blue and green. They’re awesome, and I really don’t deviate from them, except occasionally with an acoustic guitar and I’ll use medium strength… but yes they’re still red, blue or green Fender abalone shell!
Tags: 365 Days 365 Days 2011 365 More Days in 2011 Photos In 2011 365 Alumni Year 3 365 Days Year 3 Lifetime Dreams Bucket List Personal Dreams Personal Goals Wish List Before I Die Accomplishments Photography Daily Photo Photo Journal Day In The Life Goals Desire Believe Ambition 2011inPhotos A Pic A Day Canon Canon Photography T1i Fender Guitar Pick Blue Heavy Guitar Pick Abalone Abalone Shell
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