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User / Alpine Light & Structure / Sets / Another day in Glarus
44 items

N 41 B 3.0K C 14 E May 19, 2012 F May 20, 2012
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Conquistadores of the invisible

Tags:   mountain mountains switzerland schweiz suisse alps alpen alpes europe captain interesting glarus clariden föhn

N 29 B 4.3K C 14 E Apr 24, 2012 F Dec 3, 2012
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Summit block of Vrenelisgärtli: once there was a garden under that snow patch, tended by a young maiden named Verena.

Until, one day, she committed some sort of civil misdemeanour (in Switzerland, this is very easy: e.g. you only have to throw your empty glass jars in the bottle bank after the prescribed hours). Whereupon all her flowers and herbs were instantly swept away in a blinding whirlwind of ice and snow.

However, Verena will get the last laugh - the little ice cap has melted since this photo was taken and soon, mark my words, grass and flowers will be growing there again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and toss some glass jars in the bottle bank before that bottle-bank witching hour....

Tags:   mountain mountains switzerland schweiz suisse alps alpen alpes europe captain interesting glarus glärnisch

N 46 B 4.3K C 27 E Apr 25, 2009 F Apr 26, 2009
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Alpinist A takes the last few steps to the summit at 3,267 metres (10,719 ft)

Now with added B l a c k M a g i c

Tags:   mountain mountains switzerland schweiz suisse alps alpen alpes europe captain interesting clariden ski-tour glarus alps

N 50 B 7.7K C 33 E Sep 19, 2008 F Sep 19, 2008
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The same view of Kalktrittli as in the previous image, but cropped according to the prescription of Artundform. Now, which is more, ah, vertical....?

Tags:   mountain mountains switzerland schweiz suisse alps alpen alpes landscape landschaft europe captain interesting glarus kalktrittli gross ruchen just a naive little compact camera, but I think you'll admire its presumption SOE Fuji Sensia Pentax Espio 928 slide film

N 62 B 7.4K C 19 E Sep 15, 2008 F Dec 3, 2012
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Pausing for breath (see centre of photo) on Kalktrittli...

Now with added B l a c k M a g i c

Tags:   mountain mountains switzerland schweiz suisse alps alpen alpes landscape landschaft europe captain interesting glarus kalktrittli gross ruchen just a naive little compact camera, but I think you'll admire its presumption what, with a FILM in it ??
