I've been wanting to do something like this for a while but i haven't found the right person to put her head onto :) But finding this ruff made me decide to go with this , it was worn by men,women and children from the mid-16th century to the mid 17th-century.
In Dutch they call this ruff the millstone !
The ruff i found on the site of the Rijksmuseum and it can be used to create your own art, they have a lot of artwork on there that you can use, so cool !!
I think Xziva has just the face for this :) the right look, just what's with the ear girl :)
Last wednesday they took some photo's and film of Xziva and the other therapydog Kwibus for an online dog magazine.
I will let you know when they publish them, probably in january or february.
Frame: texture-97 by Lenabem-Anna, thank you !!!!!
Don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission !!!!
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