Looking down on her is a bit difficult, to take a photo I needed to stand on a chair to get enough distance :)
Took about 50 shots LOL and this I can live with.
Made a new layer and changed it to black and white and left the eyes in colour.The colour came out darker then they are so i toned them down a bit.
We went to training yesterday and for the first time !!! she stayed by my side when another dog started running around the field !!! I was so proud of her ,we had a little help of the Dogmatic but still a great improvement.
I feel much more confident walking her along the street !! She did well all together in training :) Good girl :)
The facts :
Manual !!!!!! again !!!
1/60 sec ; f/3.5 ; iso 400 ; multi segment ; shot indoors, natural light coming from her left and i put a lamp on her right ( no flash yet ). Still her right eye is not as visible as I would have wanted !
We worked hard and would love to hear any suggestions for improvement.
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