This week three shots i had to choose from. ( see if you feel like it :) : )
Chose this one because here you can see her eyes. I also like her ear because when running around this happens a lot :) makes her look a little less serious :)
Took her to the vet yesterday to weigh her. Last time, in May ,she was 57 kilo's ( 125,4 Lbs) and now she was 64,8 kilo's !!!! ( about 142 Lbs ) .I was shocked ! really, gaining almost 8 kilo's is a lot. Luckely it's not me :)
Just hope it's muscles from running so hard with her new friends !!
She is now the first Dane that outweighs me LOL.
Exp. program : aperture priority
exp. time : 1/60 sec ; iso : 500 ; f/5.3 ; multy segment ; cloudy ; exp bias : -1.00 ; focall length : 66 mm