This big nose belongs to Xziva, an almost 2 year old blue Great Dane girl .
This will be our second year in the group and my personal challenge is to make all shots with my 50mm lens !
It has great focus possibilities and it's a challenge to step away or closer to Xziva .
i/13 sec ; f/3.2 ; iso 200 ; Aperture Priority
This ball was a Christmas present and it had a rope attached that Xziva got rid of within 3 days !!!
You will learn more about her in the next year :)
One fact already ; she is 85 cm / 33.46 inch and weighs 64 kilo's / 140.8 Lbs
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog week 1 52 weeks for dogs orange ball oranje bal toy speeltje nose neus it's supposed to clean her teeth :) The Netherlands My name is Lily Xziva is named after Ziva from NCIS just put the X in front so she would have an original name :)
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Well just on walks :)
I had a hard time getting a shot this week. It rained and rained and did i mention it rained !! so it was dark, so even shots inside, without a flash, didn't work at all .
This is a wonderful heather field that we come across every day, well three times a day !! She is walked here for about 45 minutes each time and often meets friends to run with.
Lots of wonderful and exciting smells and, to top it off, water . She is trying to make this pool larger by digging in it too and splashing mud all over herself and anybody around her :)
So no matter what the weather is like, she's having fun !!!
Settings : 1/500 ; f/2.2 ; manual ; iso 400 ; exp. bias -1.00 ; 50mm lens
Thanks everybody for your kind comments and favorites !!!!
I'm soooo glad you like this because i was really so unsure about this shot !! i guess because nothing seemed to work this week ! you just made my week :)
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog week 2 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL group heather heide nature natuur water drinking drinken 50mm lens
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We got a little sun today so i thought i would try to get a nice profile of Xziva.
Hung up the black background, some ,natural, light came from above her and some from the front.
By having her look up a bit i have a bigger chance of getting her eyes. For the new members, Xziva had an eye operation , entropion, last year ,and for a while it looked good but she now needs another operation :( The first time he pulled the eyelids sideways and now he will take some skin from above the eyes and that should keep the hairs from irritating the eyes ! Her eyes are not damaged by the hairs, yet ! The vet wanted to wait untill she is two which will be on March 2nd .
The vets told us her eyes are too small for her head, a breeding mistake .
This made an end to my showing dreams :) i suppose Xziva doesn't care much about them .
Settings : 1/20 sec ; f/2 ; iso 400 ; manual .
I would love to hear what i could have done better !!!!
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog week 3 52 weeks for dogs the Original !!! blue on black black zwart natural light natuurlijk licht negative space
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This is , i think, the first time i uploaded this late !!!! First my pc broke down !! and than i couldn't get a shot i liked . I don't know why .So today, on this misty afternoon, i finally got my shot.
I think it's nice to show some of Xziva's parts i like :) I love her ears, big, floppy and very soft. When she shakes her head they make this , to me, wonderful sound :)
I love the curl they make at the back and the veins you can see so clearly and that light border that surrounds them.
Here i added a black background because the sky was so light and i cropped the shot to a square.
Manual, f/2.2 , 1/1600 sec , iso 400, 50mm lens .
Outtake here :
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 4-52 52 weeks for dogs, the Orginal group ear oor square vierkant
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First we went to see the vet and her operation will be on March 8 !!
She enjoyed her visit and was rewarded, by the vet and the nurse with cookies. She would sit so nicely and give paws and high-fives and all for a cookie :)
Luckely it was a beautiful sunny day so we took her for a run along a lake .
So why the title ??? well here she is standing in icecubes !!!! they were just on the last part of this side of the lake, probably because of the wind that was chilly ! The icecubes made such a wonderful sound when touching each other .
Here she is trying to get to a ball we found and she even stuck her face inthere . You can just see her tongue .
Lucky me, just got the tail into the photo :)
1/1000 sec , f/5.6 , iso 400 , Shutter priority , 50mm lens
Some outtakes if you care to look :)
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs week 5 5-52 the Original group water cold koud ice ijs ball bal sand zand 50mm lens Nikon
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