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User / aenee / Sets / Texture tuesday
Lily / 68 items

N 3 B 981 C 36 E May 24, 2011 F May 24, 2011
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If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it . John Irving

Specially made for Kim Klassens TTP

textures : yesteryear and portrait by Kim Klassen
Ivory dice, mine

1/100sec ; f/3.8 ; iso 200 ; Aperture priority ; 105mm Sigma macro lens

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission .

Tags:   aenee ivory dice ivoren dobbelsteen old oud my numbers mijn getallen textures Kim Klassen yesteryear portrait thanks a lot Kim TTP Sigma 105 macrolens TATOT

N 2 B 213 C 7 E May 13, 2011 F Jun 7, 2011
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textures : subtly yours ( used twice ) and portrait by Kim Klassen

Specially made for Kim's TTP

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission .

Tags:   aenee TTP textures Kim Klassen chives bieslook

N 15 B 1.4K C 40 E Jan 27, 2011 F Jun 28, 2011
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Xziva's colour is a nice dark blue but in the morning sun she got this golden shine on her .
Specially made for Kim Klassen's TTP

Textures : golden (twice) and chamomile by Kim Klassen

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission .

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog girl meid TTP Kim Klassen Texture Tuesday textures golden chamomile thanks a lot Kim for your beautiful textures !

N 1 B 263 C 11 E Jul 5, 2011 F Jul 5, 2011
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Specially made for Kim Klassen's TTP , 5 june 2011
Textures : one word , warmsun , the beach and portrait all by Kim Klassen

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission .

Tags:   aenee TTP Kim Klassen textures warmsun oneword thebeach portrait thanks appels healthy Elstar red rood yellow geel

N 2 B 1.6K C 34 E Apr 27, 2011 F Aug 2, 2011
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At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.

Albert Schweitzer

Texture yesteryear by Kim Klassen
Texture Yesteryear by Kim Klassen
Texture Portrait by Kim Klassen


Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission .

Tags:   aenee textures KIm Klassen TTP green groen simple Albert Schweizer quote gezegde light licht lantern lantaarn Chinese Chinees Hortus Botanicus Haren one of the oldest Botanical Gardens in Holland TATOT founded in 1626 by Hendrick Munting
