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User / aenee / Sets / Great Dane Xziva 2012
Lily / 61 items

N 1 B 1.4K C 52 E Jan 4, 2012 F Jan 4, 2012
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Texture Pirate Rock by pareeerica: www.flickr.com/photos/8078381@N03/6187534721/in/set-72157...
Xziva and welcome my own png files

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission .

Xziva and I are hoping to have a great year with lots of great shots in this group, we are looking forward to meet you all !

I almost didn't succeed in getting this shot of her because of the bad weather, rain, rain and more rain.
But this morning the sun came through and the shot came out fine :)
We had a white cloth behind and under her so i could cut her out easily, made her into a png file. Then i made the words and put it all on this great texture !!

I'll tell more about her next week.
We started the year well, she saw a cat and when i called her she came running back to me !!!!!! GOOD girl !!!

Tags:   DSC_9778, jan 4 , 2012 aenee Xziva blue Great Dane girl blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 1 welcome welkom texture texture Pirate Rock by pareeerica, thank you so much !

N 17 B 2.9K C 76 E Jan 24, 2012 F Feb 28, 2012
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White muzzle and white drool :) that's my girl !!

texture kk_ifonly by Kim Klassen , normal 100%
texture kk_awaken by Kim Klassen , soft light 100%
Removed texture at 100% from her face.

Font Jenna Sue ♥ ( in Dafont ) thank you !!!
Texture Tuesday 28 febr. 2012

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog white wit textures Kim Klassen white muzzle witte snoet white drool :) witte kwijl my girl mijn meid sweet lief big nose grote neus DSC_0225 i sooo LOVE her ears, so soft :) HighQualityDogs

N 6 B 890 C 36 E Mar 6, 2012 F Mar 8, 2012
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Thought it was about time the group saw her outside, so far a lot of my photo's were made inside.
Tuesday was a wonderful day so we went for a nice walk, here dogs are allowed of leash, there is a great trail through the woods and there is also water.
Xziva loves water, she likes to run through it and to retrieve sticks but she won't swim :)
I suppose this is one of her favourite walks and ours too :)

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission.

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs, the ORIGINAL week 10 water stick stok

N 1 B 838 C 45 E Jun 21, 2012 F Jun 21, 2012
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We just picked Xziva up from the vet's, she had a very suspicious lump removed, could be a Mastocytoma.
We will have to wait a few days for the outcome, let's hope for the best.

She was sooo glad to leave the vet's office :) and is now fast asleep, we have painkillers and antibiotics !!

It's a BIG scar but i think the vet did a great job.

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog operation Mastocytoma ?

N 2 B 634 C 8 E Aug 16, 2012 F Aug 16, 2012
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Just her luck, a nice Labrador to play with but one that is not interested in swimming !!!! so who is going to get the toy ?? we had to wait about 10 minutes for it to come back to shore :)
BTW this is a Lab that is in training to become a guide dog .

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 33 Outtake water squid inktvis toy Labrador future guide dog DSC_6054
