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User / aenee / Sets / 52 weeks for dogs 2012
Lily / 51 items

N 1 B 1.4K C 52 E Jan 4, 2012 F Jan 4, 2012
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Texture Pirate Rock by pareeerica: www.flickr.com/photos/8078381@N03/6187534721/in/set-72157...
Xziva and welcome my own png files

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Xziva and I are hoping to have a great year with lots of great shots in this group, we are looking forward to meet you all !

I almost didn't succeed in getting this shot of her because of the bad weather, rain, rain and more rain.
But this morning the sun came through and the shot came out fine :)
We had a white cloth behind and under her so i could cut her out easily, made her into a png file. Then i made the words and put it all on this great texture !!

I'll tell more about her next week.
We started the year well, she saw a cat and when i called her she came running back to me !!!!!! GOOD girl !!!

Tags:   DSC_9778, jan 4 , 2012 aenee Xziva blue Great Dane girl blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 1 welcome welkom texture texture Pirate Rock by pareeerica, thank you so much !

N 6 B 1.0K C 49 E Jan 13, 2012 F Jan 13, 2012
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Xziva is now almost 3 years old and she never could have her stuffies because she just tore them apart ! Well that did change some, now she can have them but she is working hard on removing eyes :) I had to give the fish with the big red lips a new eye in PSE !!!

Just a small crop and some sharpening on the eyes.

Used the nifty fifty because i had not much light, 1/50 sec , f2.2 , iso 400 , multy segment and manual.

Please don't use this image on websites blogs or other media without my explicit permission .

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue Great Dane Xziva blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 2 stuffed animals knuffels lips lippen elephant olifant fish vis rabbit konijn moose eland mole mol dog hond DSC_9946, 13 jan. 2012

N 11 B 3.8K C 54 E Jan 18, 2012 F Jan 18, 2012
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Sooc ,just cropped it a little so we both had the same space behind our legs.
I know my legs don't show too well ( skinny legs :) )but a jeans didn't look good , not even a black one and this is the only legging i own :) and i certainly don't own one the same colour as Xziva's coat :))

1/6 sec; f3.2 ; iso 160(forgot to set it back to 200 ! ); manual; on tripod and with remote ; 50mm Nikkor .

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission .

Tags:   aenee Xziva 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 3 blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog orange ball oranje bal red booties rode laarsjes I LOVE red :) and i love my booties ik ben gek op rood en dus helemaal op deze laarsjes :) 50mm Nikkor

N 8 B 890 C 47 E Jan 24, 2012 F Jan 25, 2012
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Outtake here : www.flickr.com/photos/71561164@N00/6760392425/in/photostream

Walking around we came to this gate, on the other side are sheep grazing the heather field. So she can't come in without her leash on and she didn't like it at all that we were on the other side .
That fence is about 1 mtr high which is, if i did it right , 3.2808 ft and that's about the same height that Xziva is to the top of her head :)

I love the drool on her head :))

Tags:   DSC_0240 aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 4 gate hek No unleashed dogs allowed loslopende honden niet toegestaan sheep on the other side schapen aan de andere kant

N 36 B 2.9K C 58 E Feb 1, 2012 F Feb 1, 2012
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I finally found a place to take a silhouette, i wanted to do that for a long time but couldn't find a place that was open enough.
I had to lie flat on the ,very cold ! , ground to get this, i brought one of her blankets to lie on :)

It's between -5 to - 10 C at night so they are already skating here !!
Xziva doesn't care about the cold but you can see that her hair is standing up a bit in places.

This is the outtake :

I wanted to try what Frank jr explained about putting a link here but i have no clue how to do it :))

Again i saw too late that we have a challenge , grrrr

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog sunset zonsondergang dogbeach hondenstrand Hoogezand 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 5 silhouette DCS_0587
