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User / aenee / Sets / Beyond Layers
Lily / 65 items

N 12 B 1.9K C 69 E Jan 6, 2011 F Jan 19, 2012
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The challenge ( Beyond Layers, Kim Klassen) for week one :
A symplistic composition,
Less is more,
Go light with the texture .


texture kk_awaken by Kim Klassen,
set at normal, 45%
i set my backgroundcopy layer to screen .

1/13 sec ; f/3.5 ; iso 200 ; on tripod ; 50mm lens 1.8

The bottle is on a black surface and the wall is very light orange like colour, setting that layer to screen made the colours this way and of course the texture helped too !

Tags:   aenee Beyond Layers Kim Klassen texture kk_awaken by Kim Klassen glass bottle glazen fles 19-01-2012 less is more symplistic composition go lightly TATOT MagicUnicornVeryBest

N 3 B 729 C 24 E Jan 27, 2012 F Jan 27, 2012
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texture kk_plastersquared by Kim Klassen, rezised to 1100 x 1100
font : Brush Script MT
Beyond Layers Kim Klassen

1/60 sec ;f/5 ; iso 250 ; multi segment ; manual ; 50mm lens

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission

Tags:   aenee texture texture kk_plastersquared by Kim Klassen 6 word memoir shell schelp DSC_0427,27 jan. 2012 soft zacht Nikkor 50mm 1.8 Memories' Book still.life '

N 2 B 615 C 27 E Jan 27, 2012 F Jan 27, 2012
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This jar is filled with hope and the nice thing : it's never empty or half full !!!

This Week's Challenge
Think of one single word, mood or thought…… and then set out to create a photo around your theme.

texture kk_plastered squared by Kim Klassen @ multiply
font :Remmington Noiseless
background copy on screen


1/200 sec ; f/1.8 ; iso 100 ; spotmeterering ; Nikkor 50mm 1.8 ; on tripod.

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission

Tags:   aenee DSC_0443 jar pot green groen Beyond Layers Kim Klassen texture kk_plaster squared Beyond Layers Kim Klassen square vierkant

N 7 B 2.7K C 31 E Feb 8, 2012 F Feb 8, 2012
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6 image template horizontal - webversion by Kim KLassen

texture on all photo's and on template : kk_wonderfulmagic_scripted by Kim Klassen


Well i finally did the memoryboard, i couldn't get the background colour right. Now only the photo of the hat is somewhat lighter.
All these things make me remember my Mom, the cup she always drank tea from, the Buddha she loved so much, the sunhat she bought for a vacation to Potugal to visit a friend when she was 80, the yellowish pitcher she hated so much and i have no idea why. It was a weddingpresent and maybe she didn't like that person :) very possible :). The green waterbottle and the silver knob from her father's walking stick and the napkin holders from her and my Dad and last but certainly not least some of her jewellery that i inherited, she loved gold :))

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission

Tags:   aenee Beyond Layers by Kim Klassen Memoryboard 'Things that remind me of my Mom Dingen die me aan mijn moeder doen denken sweet memories goede herinneringen Teacup Wedgwood 0970_NEF Buddha 0978_NEF Sunhat 0981_NEF Pitcher 0972_NEF Waterbottle 0980_NEF Silver 0973_NEF +Gold jewellery 0975_NEF she passed away 5 years ago

N 33 B 6.8K C 84 E Feb 12, 2012 F Feb 12, 2012
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texture kk_Lilly,used twice, by Kim Klassen at soft light and 100%
Day 4 : vision & blur

Just added some saturation,+10, to red
Bottle with weed was on white photopaper and in front of a big window .
Explored febr. 13 # 68

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission

Tags:   aenee Beyond Layers day 4 Kim Klassen Beyond Layers vision blur weed onkruid bottle flesje explored TATOT blinkagain tistheseason
