The Zwinger (Der Dresdner Zwinger) is a palace in Dresden and a major landmark of German baroque architecture.
The location was formerly part of the Dresden fortress of which the outer wall is conserved. The name derives from the German word Zwinger (outer ward of a concentric castle); it was for the cannons that were placed between the outer wall and the major wall. The Zwinger was not enclosed until the neoclassical building by Gottfried Semper called the Semper wing was built to host the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister art gallery
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Tags: aenee
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Xziva and I want to wish all our friends, contacts and everybody in the 52 weeks a peaceful and creative 2013. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!
We had Xziva sit before a little table ,put a white sheet on it and then let her put her paw on the table. She was so good sitting there :) Then i could cut her out and i put her through the hole in a piece of paper.I just took a photo of a piece of paper that i put a pencil through.
I'm having computer problems , hope to have it fixed soon so i can comment again !
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Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 52 another year over crashing through a hole coming through DSC_9353 Xziva DSC_9287 paper with hole in it Zorgdier Therapydog
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We took Xziva into the village, she got a lot of attention, what's new :)
We sat on a terras for a cappucino and then walked back.
We were walking on a sandpath and that is always warmer than the street.
Her tongue got longer and longer.
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© all rights reserved Lily aenee
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Danes blauwe Duitse Dog tongue warm Zorgdier Therapydog DSC_0305 2014-08-29
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Not so much Xziva protecting A. but A. protecting her, I suppose standing like this makes her feel secure, you never know what happens :) Not that she's shy with other dogs or humans. Today 2 dogs came running up to her barking and she stood her ground just waiting what would happen. Nothing did, they kept their distance so no running for her. She has a very good sense of wich dogs are to be trusted, that amazes me every time, never saw that with our other Danes.
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© all rights reserved Lily aenee
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks of dogs the ORIGINAL week 34 protect zorgdier therapydog DSC_0042 21-08-2014
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Xziva tore off one of her nails, 2 days later i found it in the backyard ! That first photo is taken right after i saw the blood, the nail is in the middle and the last shot is what it looks like now.
She's not licking it a lot anymore. We cleaned it after every walk and desinfected it, i also made sure it wasn't hot or changing in a bad way.
I think it's no problem anymore, this happened when she saw a cat in our backyard and decided to chase it away ! i think she never noticed what happened with the nail .
Frame CS Chalkboard 2 by CoffeeShop Rita thank you, i love your freebies !!!!
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© all rights reserved Lily aenee
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 27 storyboard Coffeeshop nail paw zorgdier therapydog DSC_8998 DSC_9047 DSC_9071
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