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User / aenee / Sets / 5000 views
Lily / 7 items

N 35 B 7.7K C 60 E Oct 8, 2010 F Oct 8, 2010
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October is breast cancer month so i decided to dedicate this weeks shot to Pink Ribbon.
I bought the Pink Ribbon bracelet to support this foundation. The heart stands for Love, the key for Power, the coin and clover for Luck, the angel for Protection and Fatima's hand for Support.

Early this year i lost a cousin to breast cancer so i also would love to dedicate this to Clara . We weren't very close but it's always a shock to lose someone really close to you.

Xziva and i hope that lots of people in some way support Pink Ribbon so a lot more research can be done !

This also shows how Xziva and i support and trust each other :)
and how big her paw is 'cause i have big hands :)

Exif : Exp : 1/200 ; f/1/80 ; Iso 200 ; multy segment ; fine weather ; manual !! , 50 mm lens and on tripod !!
I had the focus on the two middle toes because i like the softness around that area and it still shows what it's supposed too .
I just cloned out a light spot in the right corner so it's almost SOOC .

If you have any suggestion to improve ,please don't hesitate I can take critic :) I'm doing this project too in the hope to really improve my skills !!

Tags:   aenee Xziva 40 -52 52 weeks for dogs blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog paw poot Pink Ribbon breastcancer borstkanker awareness support

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Brush used to lighten up the center :
GrungeBrushSet-2 by Shadowhouse Creations, thanks a lot !!!

Free to use in your professional and personal work, just link back to me and give credit.
I would love to see what you do with this texture, please small size only !!!!

Tags:   aenee texture free IMG_4289 30-10-2013 Textures for All Creative Commons

N 82 B 6.9K C 38 E Jan 17, 2013 F Jan 17, 2013
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Made a crop of the photo so you can see what her lips and ears are doing and to give you a better view of her BIG smile :)

Thanks so much for all the views and faves !!!!

The uncropped version:


Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission.
© All rights reserved

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 3 running big bunny bunnyhop BIG ears BIG smile therapydog zorgdier highest position in Explore # 24

N 18 B 5.8K C 42 E Jan 9, 2014 F Jan 9, 2014
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When we got Xziva at 10 weeks people always were amazed by the size of her feet :)
Another fact about her feet, they are smelly !!!!
And when meeting people she always wants to give paws :)
She has such a sweet character .

Slowly revealing Xziva, thanks Browndog-Kelli for the idea :)

Don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission !!!!
©all rights reserved

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 2 paws against the light DSC_6715 09-01-2014 Nikon 50mm 1.8 Therapydog ZorgDier

N 25 B 6.4K C 70 E Dec 28, 2013 F Dec 28, 2013
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Since Xziva is an only dog/girl ,she will have to be a model again next year.
So this is our shot for the yearly challenge : handing over the reins.

It will be our 5th year, I never would have thought, when we began this journey, that we would last this long !!!

We would like to wish all our friends on flickr and all that are following her, a Happy 2014 and thank you for all your comments and favs !!!
All our wishes for you and for us are written on the books.
As you can see the year 2013 is already fading away and Xziva is looking forward to 2014 :)

Premade Backgrounds by rubyblossom, i used 2 different ones , one as a background and one for the moon, thank you so much !!!

Texture added for some nice tones : Free Texture #154 by Brenda Starr, thank you too a lot !!
Always so happy to find such great textures, backgrounds and photo's online that people let us use for free, thank you all !!

Don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission !!!!
©all rights reserved

Tags:   aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs,the ORIGINAL week 52 another year over ! Happy New Year Premade Background by rubyblossom Free Texture #154 by Brenda Starr old encyclopidia my own DSC_6418 MagicUnicornVeryBest MagicUnicornMasterpiece
