The challenge this week : natural framing
and what can be more natural than A's legs :)
Love how this pov makes her look small.
I was trying to catch up to all of your streams but i have had the flu so i'm not feeling up to much right now !
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Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 6 Nikkor 50mm DSC_7054 natural framing ZorgDier Therapydog
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This is how Xziva dives into the water to retrieve a stick, don't worry it's the only game we play with the stick we know the risks !!
I love the splash she is making !
We were lucky to be the only people around so she could have fun here :)
Uploading early in the week because Wifi is not fast and not certain !
We're still having wonderful warm weather which is great for Brittany because it's known for the rain.
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© Lily aenee all rights reserved
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 25 Lac du Drennec Tro Lenn an Drenneg Parc Naturel régional d'Armorique La France zorgdier therapydog DSC_8691 16-06-2014
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Because the weather is so warm and sunny we decided to go away for a few days, maybe even for 2 weeks.
We are now in Friesland, one of the northern provinces of the Netherlands. They speak their own language ! not an dialect but a real language. Most other Dutch people don't understand Fries, English is a lot easier if you ask me :)
Xziva is enjoying her vacation, the campsite is surrounded by woods, so nice walks and visits to lovely little and very old villages, live is good !
I like how they used the trees to build a dam so we can walk over it.
After a few clicks she comes running for her treat :) she knows !
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© all rights reserved Lily aenee
Outtake here :
Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 36 Rijsterbos Gaasterland Friesland Zorgdier Therapydog DSC_0576 2014-09-04
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For the new members.
First of all welcome to the group and i hope you will like it as much as we do !!
This is our 5th year in the group ! it's so great to have the photobooks and see her get all mature !!
What you see here is part of our blue Great Dane girl, Xziva, if you want to know how we pronounce that just use Google translate and listen to her name in Dutch :)
She is a big sweet, gentle giant, she loves kids and other dogs and she loves to play with other dogs. She also is a therapy dog.
She is almost 5 now and finally she can have her stuffies !! we gave her this little bear for Christmas and as you can see he still has his arms and legs and nose :) up untill now she would shred them. Finally growing up.
I made the photo B&W and then brought back some of the colour, i then added my own texture : Texture #1 Cracked Wall
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Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 1 texture my own texture paws stuffie DSC_6612 03-01-2014 Therapydog ZorgDier Dane Dog hond animal
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Missed last week because I was in hospital, pneumonia.
Feeling better but it will take a while to get my strength back.
Not a fun experience!
I liked the idea i had for this photo but it's not sharp and i wasn't up to trying again.
We are very proud of our athletes, especially our skaters !!!!!
Texture by CoffeeShop Rita, CoffeeShop vintage papers;vp6-6.
Thank you Rita !!!
Don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission !!!!
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Tags: aenee Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 8 Sochi medals Dutch flag Zorgdier Therapydog DSC_7087 23-02-2014 texture by CoffeeShop
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