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User / aenee / Sets / Spain
Lily / 9 items

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texture:DSCN0764 by aenee
texture: hard sky by Clive Sax: www.flickr.com/photos/chorando/3639857840/in/set-72157607...
2 seagulls by aenee

EXPLORE Worthy, Challenge #20 ~ SAILBOATS, SHIPS & BOATS

Tags:   aenee texture Clive Sax' sailboat zeilboot sea zee sky lucht blue blauw seagulls zeemeeuwen Rod Steward I am sailing music muziek song lied La Palma Safari tour for the coast of Santa Cruz de La Palma Gold Paw Award Silver Paw Award TATOT Texture : hard sky by clive sax T4L agreement

N 5 B 985 C 13 E May 8, 2012 F Jun 6, 2012
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No streets here just sandpaths, it's like a Western city. Every house has a wooden rail to tie your horse up.
I should have taken a photo of Xziva tied up like a horse :))


Tags:   aenee church el Rocio Spain reflection refectie kerk Western city

N 1 B 404 C 13 E Apr 28, 2012 F May 2, 2012
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I love this little street, it looks just like an ordinary street in a Spanish village but it's the backside of the showers and other utilities !!! They did this so cleverly and it looks great.
Later the weather changed and we got rain !!

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicitpermission.

Tags:   Spain camping Kiko Park Rural reception showers Villagordo del Cabriel aenee Spanje España callejonesencantadoresconcurso62

N 33 B 3.7K C 46 E Apr 25, 2012 F Apr 30, 2012
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We are now at the Lake Caspe camping. The lake is at the back so Xziva can run free there because it's off season and there aren't many people around.
We will be staying for two days, today we drove around enjoying the beautiul countryside.
Lots of fruit-and olive trees and massive mountains, we saw a lot of birds of prey circling some mountain.
We wanted to visit the Torre de Salamanca and the Ermita de Santa Maria de Horta but they were both closed !( too early in the season.

Tomorrow no driving just walking with Xziva , lets hope it's not too warm !! and hanging out at the lake.

She is really getting used to life on a campside, no more barking when someone passes !!!
She also discovered that pushing the screendoor gives her acces to the caravan !! so if she wants to come in that's what she does !! Is she smart or is she smart :))

LATE AGAIN :( but i hope to upload this weeks photo today :)

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicitpermission.

Tags:   Xziva; blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 17 holidays vakantie Spanje april 2012 Caspa Ermita de Santa Maria Horta explored

N 6 B 1.3K C 36 E May 15, 2012 F May 15, 2012
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We are staying close to the National Parque Monfrague . Went to see some of the sights today.
We saw birds of prey, not sure which ones and my photo's all turned out blurry :((.

We found this old bridge where Xziva could go into the water and run loose for a while.

It's still way too hot for our liking but going north it will get cooler.

Tags:   Xziva blue Great Dane blauwe Duitse Dog 52 weeks for dogs the ORIGINAL week 20 Spain arroya de La Vid water bridge DSC_4011
