Looking west/north west over Fort William and a bewildering array of mountains from the zig-zags a little way below the summit of Ben Nevis on a glorious evening.
Glen Nevis (left) and the sloping 'ridge' of Meall an t'Suidhe with its Lochan below provide the foreground with Loch Linnhe (left) and Loch Eil the main bodies of water converging at Fort William.
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My mind was triggered this morning by the appearance of this shot: flic.kr/p/JHQZyP from one of my contacts: Jola jola.mctotty
I too had been up in the Angle Tarn area when all was frozen, so I dipped into the archives for my first "Archive Tuesday" of 2018.
We were headed for Brock Crag (offshot to the right) then along the far side (the spot my 2010 upload was taken flic.kr/p/7JxAL9 below) and then on up to the Angletarn Pikes themselves, which are off-shot to the left of the tarn. It was a wonderful day in the company of my daughter & my son and his then girlfriend (who is now a family friend).
Tags: Angle Tarn Lake District ice NGC coth5
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A flashback to the fabulous Hurtigruten Norwegian Coastal Voyage that we were privileged to enjoy to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary back in 2009.
Originally built in 1880, this lighthouse was manned by lightkeepers and their families until 1947. They had to row to the mainland to collect their supplies and had no phone - all messages were sent and received in Morse code. When playing outside the children were tethered to a pole on the rock & had to be brought in before high tide when the sea completely covers the base.
From 1947 to 1987, when it became fully automated, it was manned on a 'roster' basis. Electricity arrived in 1956!
It is now possible to visit & even stay overnight, hence the people on the jetty, I guess. And it is Norway's only octagonal lighthouse.
Seen amidst the bewildering array of islands and islets to the west of Trondheim around the mouth of the Bjugnfjorden. Think the flag may have seen better days!
Tags: Kjeungskjaeret lighthouse Norway
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My "Macro Mondays" shot yesterday
(flic.kr/p/25VyJ9J) was uploaded within about 15 mins of being taken, this one has taken rather longer to make it, getting on for 43 years longer in fact!
It was taken in summer 1975 with my then brand-new Praktika LTL with a Pentacon 50mm f1.8 lens on Kodachrome 64 slide film. I found that projecting with a Boots projector (from the same era, couldn't afford the Kodak Carousel which was THE one to have!), and taking a shot with my Nikon (hence the EXIF data) gave better results that doing it via a slide scanner/PC.
The occasion was a church holiday under canvas from my St. Alban's days, which took place at Tal-y-bont (the one near Barmouth). This was one of the first shots taken with the camera and was hand-held from a "lying full length on the wet grass" position. I was staggered that it came out like this, and it remains one of my favourite shots to this day.
Tags: Archive Tuesday Kodachrome slide tent canvas coth5 Praktica LTL
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Loch Na Keal near Knock on the west coast of Mull. Not one of our better days weatherwise.....
Tags: Mull Loch Na Keal Scotland coth5
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