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User / Gail K E / Sets / Mountains
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In October 2020 a massive forest fire destroyed 200,000 acres of pristine mountains and park lands in Colorado. In the small town of Grand Lake some structures were lost, but most of the town survived unharmed. The shoreline is still beautiful but the forests above it are gone and will take many decades to regrow.

Tags:   Grand Lake Colorado Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountain National Park RMNP wildfire forest Lake Scenic Mountains

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Grand Lake is Colorado's largest natural body of water, located at the headwaters of the Colorado River near the Continental Divide. The town of Grand Lake is the western gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park.

Tags:   Colorado Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountain National Park Front Range Continental Divide Grand Lake National Forest

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Shiprock is a huge monolithic rock formation standing alone on the high-desert plain of the Navajo Nation in San Juan County, New Mexico, USA. The elevation at its highest point is 7,177 feet (2,187 m) above sea level. The name derives from the peak's resemblance to an enormous 19th-century clipper ship.

The peak is governed by the Navajo Nation and it plays a significant role in Navajo religion, myth, and tradition. It is located in the center of an area occupied by the Ancient Pueblo People, a prehistoric Native American culture of the Southwest United States often referred to as the Anasazi. It is a point of interest for rock climbers and photographers and has been featured in several films and novels. In 1975, Shiprock was designated as a National Natural Landmark by the National Park Service.

Tags:   Mountains new mexico shiprock rock formations Geology southwest iconic desert amazing American Southwest peak volcanic igneous

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The Continental Divide is the main hydrological divide of the Americas. It runs the full length of North and South America and separates the Atlantic and Pacific watersheds, sending all water to the west toward the Pacific Ocean and all water east toward the Atlantic Ocean.

The San Juan Mountain Range in southwestern Colorado is the largest mountain range in the state and contains some of the highest summits in the continental US. The Continental Divide Trail crosses Wolf Creek Pass in the San Juan Range. These mountains have the highest snowfall levels in the state due to moisture blown in from the Pacific Ocean. The annual snowfall average is about 400 inches (10 m) but in some years it exceeds 600 inches (15 m).

Tags:   Colorado Rocky Mountains Continental Divide USA San Juan Mountain Range pagosa springs Scenic snow

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The San Juan Mountains in southwest Colorado are the largest mountain range in the state and contain some of the highest and most jagged summits in the continental United States. They also receive the highest snowfall levels in the state due to moisture blown in from the Pacific Ocean. The annual snowfall at Wolf Creek Pass (elevation 10,850 feet) averages about 400 inches (10 m) and sometimes exceeds 600 inches (15 m).

Tags:   Colorado Rocky Mountains San Juan Mountain Range USA pagosa springs south fork Scenic Wolf Creek Pass ski resort Continental Divide coniferous forest
