The Sefirot (Emanations) in Jewish Kaballah :
Image showing the Kabbalistic "Tree of life" with the ten Sephiroth and the 22 Hebrew letters as they are presented in the Sefer Yetzirah.
I'm counting the Omer, which marks the 49 days after the waving of the sheaves of new barley until the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai on the fiftieth day.
The prayers and blessings are taken from the mystical text of the Kaballah. I find it meaningful and fun. Each day marks a new level of purification here and in the heavenly Sephirot, which are the Emanations. Hopefully, I will be sufficiently purified to meet my maker Ein Sof, literally "Without End" who is also known as Ha Shem literally "The Name" ...
For Example, Hesed or Chesed Is the Emanation/Sefira of Lovingkindness or Benevolence.
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Counting The Omer:: For 49 days after Passover we count the Omer. This was the barley offering in the Temple In Yerushalayim.
This is Jewish Kabbalah.✡️ Each day we focus on improving a single attribute of our emotional structure within a particular attribute for that day. It is a process in Seven weeks of Seven days. That process purifies us and the universe as well. Isn’t that an amazing thought❣️
At the end we will be worthy of receiving The Torah 🎶👏🎶 on Mount Sinai. Hallelujah🌄
1. Hesed or Chesed Is the Emanation/Sefira of Lovingkindness or Benevelence.
I made some yesterday. Delicious with honey or sugar.
Here are Manischewitz recipes for all year:
And here are their Holiday recipes, including Passover/Pesach recipes: