My Granddaughter is holding a delicious sufganiah (custard or jelly doughnut) in the Machaneh Yehudah Market in Jerusalem. There are many delightful shops and street stalls.
She is a very happy person who knows how to enjoy life, Baruch ha Shem!! She doesn't like to sit around. She likes to explore and have fun.
To all my Flickr Friends, I wish you happy and safe times, now and in the future.
Tags: Colorful My Wish Wish Delightful Delicious Tasty Joyful Joy Happy Happiness Fun Smile Yehudi Jewish Hebrew Ivrit Yisrael Israel Yerushalayim Jerusalem Machena Yehudah Market Sufgania Sufganiot Street Food Doughnut Donut Jelly Doughnut Cake Cupcake Jelly Nut Sweet Sugary Dessert Custard Creamy Filling Filling
Please excuse the poor quality image. I love it anyway...;-)
I extracted this frame from an android phone video that my son texted to me yesterday. I am convinced that Apple's iPhone apps do not give good results from android device photos. I'm not sure where the problem lies. Oh, of course, I should process them in a third party image processor. Maybe I will, but no promises...;-)
It's a private beach in New England.
I miss the beaches, in alphabetical order, in California, Florida, Israel, Kwajalein Atoll (Marshall Islands), Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York beaches. I grew up at the beach and I spent most of my life within a short walk to an hour's drive to the beach.
I had planned to spend this summer at a beach. This pandemic is an insidious, deadly, and malevolent destroyer of the human spirit, not just the body...
Depression, thy name is COVID-19
Sleepless In Tucson
Android Video Extraction "Post Processing" California Florida Israel "Kwajalein Atoll" "The Marshall Islands" Massachusetts "New Jersey" "New York" Beaches COVID-19 Depression Depressing "Human Spirit" Destroyer "Sleepless In Tucson" "Tucson, Arizona"
Tags: Android Video Extraction Post Processing California Florida Israel Kwajalein Atoll Marshall Islands Massachusetts New Jersey New York Beaches COVID-19 Depression Depressing Human Spirit Destroyer Sleepless In Tucson Tucson, Arizona
What a blast...;-)
What a blast...;-)
What a blast...;-)