America produces much of its own energy. But it still imports millions of barrels of oil and billions of cubic feet of natural gas every day. In fact, oil imports from OPEC have gone up – about 45% in the past year.
Who is OPEC? It’s countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, and Libya. Countries with questionable standards, and who are not traditional allies of the US.
There is another solution: Canada.
Canada has more than enough oil and gas to meet US demand for imports. It’s nearby. It’s an ally. And it’s a responsible and reliable producer. Together, Canada and the US can achieve energy security and independence for North America – in a more responsible way.
Why choose Canadian oil and gas?
Canada can meet the demand
US energy demand is increasing. And it’s expected to stay high for decades to come. Canada is one of the world’s largest producers of oil and gas, and can provide the supply America doesn’t produce for itself.
Canada is close by
Canada’s oil and gas sector is already connected to the US with nearly 280,000 miles of shared pipelines. Adding more pipeline capacity would further strengthen our ties.
Canada is a responsible producer
Canada ranks number one among the world’s largest oil reserve holders on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance. That’s according to rankings derived from independent studies by Yale, the World Bank, and other independent organizations. Not every country can say the same.
America will need oil and gas for decades to come
Demand for oil and gas in the US is projected to increase through 2050 – even as more renewable energy sources become available. Today, the US consumes around 17 million barrels of oil per day; by 2050 this number is projected to be nearly 19 million. (Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration)
Oil and gas is already the largest part of America’s energy mix – more than 2/3rds today. By 2050, this share is expected to be about the same. Renewables will make up a larger share, but they will mostly replace the share of coal, not oil and gas.
Environmental Standards
U.S. Energy Consumption (%)
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2022
1 Includes wind, solar, hydro, biomass
2 Includes nuclear
Canada is a close ally
Canada is already America’s largest trading partner – for oil and gas as well as for other goods. Canada’s oil and gas is already connected to US customers via nearly 280,000 miles of shared pipelines. And Canada is a close ally – geographically, culturally, and politically.
Canada is one of the world’s largest oil and gas producers. So when the US needs more oil and gas, Canada is close, reliable, and committed to emissions reduction.
Canada is a leader in clean technology
Canada’s oil and gas sector has invested billions in the research and development of clean technologies. Meanwhile, average emissions per barrel in the oil sands have been going down each year for more than a decade, and total emissions are expected to start going down in the next five years.
Canada is also a leader in methane emissions reduction. Alberta’s oil and gas industry reduced total methane emissions by 34% between 2014 and 2020, and producers across the country are expected to meet the target to reduce emissions by 40-45% in 2025.
Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology is already in use in Canada. And a massive expansion of the technology is now in its early stages. CCS is a key part of how Canada’s oil sands industry plans to achieve its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.
Find out more
The United States doesn’t just need more energy – it needs more responsibly produced energy.
Only by reducing its reliance on OPEC countries and other outside suppliers can North America truly achieve energy independence and security.
Where you get your oil and gas from matters. Because not all oil and gas is created equal.
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