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User / ktmqi / Sets / St.Michael's, Charleston
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St. Michael’s cornerstone was laid in 1752 and in 1761 the church was opened for services. Except for the addition of the sacristy in 1883 on the southeast corner, the structure of the building has been little changed.
Although the architect’s name is unknown, the type of architecture follows the tradition of Sir Christopher Wren, generally used during our Colonial period.

Tags:   Charleston South Carolina Anglican Church 1752 Sir Christopher Wren church porch Doric column colonnade

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The pulpit is the original one, remarkable for its height and the massive sounding board supported by two Corinthian columns. Its prominence bears out the fact that at the time the Church was built, the center of interest in the service was the sermon, conflicting with the central place planned for the altar. The panel with the ΙΗΣ was taken as war booty following the War Between the States and then later voluntarily returned and replaced. Although the present reading desk was given in 1892 as a memorial, it is in the location of the original desk, and together with the pulpit above it make sup what is called a “double decker”.

The chancel chairs were purchased by the Vestry in 1817. The chancel rail of wrought iron, dating from 1772, is a fine example of English hand work of the period. It was the first important piece of wrought iron to be imported to Charleston. The window and decoration of the altar are the work of Tiffany Studios.

Tags:   Charleston South Carolina Anglican Church 1752 Sir Christopher Wren church altar stained glass Tiffany Studio St. Michael Raphael sounding board

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The Altar is Victorian, presented in 1892 as a memorial.

The present chancel decoration was executed by Tiffany in 1905. The design in the half-come was originally blue sky with gold stars and a golden sunburst. The ten small Corinthian columns also date form 1905. The chancel window, installed as a memorial in 1893, shows St. Michael’ casting out the dragon, after Raphael’s painting.

Tags:   Charleston South Carolina Anglican Church 1752 Sir Christopher Wren church St. Michael deamon stained glass Tiffany Studio

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The stained-glass door in the south side of the church dates from 1915 and appears to be the work of the Tiffany Studio.

Tags:   Charleston South Carolina Anglican Church 1752 Sir Christopher Wren church stained glass door Tiffany Studio

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The chandelier, ordered form London in 1803, now electrified, was first lighted with candles and later with gas.

The original organ was made by John Snetzler in London; it was installed in 1768. The case, which was altered several times, was refinished and restored to its original configuration in 1994 by Kenneth Jones of Bray, Ireland. Jones built a new 40-stop, 51-rank tracker organ to fit in and behind the Snetzler case. St. Michael’s had one of the first choirs of surpliced boys in this county. The Vestry records mention them as early as 1794.

Tags:   Charleston South Carolina Anglican Church 1752 Sir Christopher Wren church organ
