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A section of handrail salvaged from the wreck.

In the background plates and glass memorials to the ship.

Tags:   Key West Art & Historical Society Battleship Maine Navy Memorial Remember the Maine Key West Florida Museum History Spanish American War Havana Cuba explosion sinking

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The Cuban Friendship Urn, also known as the Cuban-American Friendship Urn or USS Maine Memorial, is a marble statue in Washington, D.C., listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The monument originally stood in Cuba to honor the American deaths aboard the USS Maine during the Spanish–American War in 1898.

It is located on Ohio Drive, Southwest, Washington, D.C., in East Potomac Park, south of the Tidal Basin near the north end of the 14th Street Bridge. Decorations on the 7-foot (2.1 m) tall urn include an eagle with its wings outstretched and human figures depicted in a neoclassical style. It once stood atop a column of marble in Havana, to commemorate the U.S. sailors and Marines who lost their lives aboard the USS Maine when it sank in Havana harbor in 1898, and the friendship and bonds between Cuba and the United States.

A hurricane in October 1926 knocked the marble column over where it stood in Cuba, and in 1928 the urn was sent by Cuban President Gerardo Machado to the United States and presented to President Calvin Coolidge.

Tags:   Cuban American Friendship Urn Monument Washington DC Potomic Park marble Battleship Maine

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Key West City Cemetery

A native perched on a Civil War grave marker.

Tags:   Key West City Cemetery Remember the Maine Ken West Spanish-American War Navy military national cemetery Memorial Key West Florida monument cemetery U.S.Navy

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Key West City Cemetery

On February 15, 1898 the Battleship Maine exploded in Havana Harbor killing 260 American sailors. Two dozen of those sailors are buried in this area of the Key West City Cemetery.

Tags:   Key West City Cemetery Remember the Maine Ken West Spanish-American War Navy military national cemetery Memorial Key West Florida monument cemetery U.S.Navy
