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Hell bent on seeing the church distoryed the Archdiocese of New York refused to allow private groups to repair damages to the church which resulted from Hurricane Irene.
For the final outcome:

Tags:   St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic stupidity French Catholic classical senseless distruction patromony disrespect waste barbarism Henry Engelbert The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny wanton distraction

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President Nicolas Sarkozy of France wrote directly to both Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, the Archbishop of New York and to Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, to express the French government's interest in preserving the church. He received as the French would say "l'oiseau."
The final Mass was celebrated on Epiphany Sunday, Jan. 6, 2013. Considering the land value it will most likely be torn down.
For the final outcome:

Tags:   St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic stupidity French Catholic classical senseless distruction patromony disrespect waste barbarism Henry Engelbert The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny wanton distraction

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The church was designed by Henry Engelbert in a neoclassical style that has been repeated in French National churches around the world.
The Catholic Church seems to take a particular pride in it's ability to keep it's buildings off any historic preservation list. In part I would guess that many Cardinals in a very real sense see themselves as Princes of the Church pretty much above temporal law. (yes this is a biased opinion based on close and long observation.)
For the final outcome:

Tags:   St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic stupidity French Catholic classical senseless distruction patromony disrespect waste barbarism Henry Engelbert The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny wanton distraction

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St.Vincent is still perched over the door on 23rd street. He has witnessed a lot. On September 20, 1952 he witnessed the wedding of Edith Piaf, with Marlena Dietrich as her maid of honor. President Charles de Gaulle of France attend re-dedication of the World War I memorial after World War II when the names of those who died in the second war were added to the names of the members of the Lafayette Squadron and other Americans who had died fighting for France. He witnessed black French speaking Catholics treated with respect when that was not the norm in other R.C. churches in the city.
Hopefully they will blindfold him before he is pushed from his perch.
For the final outcome:

Tags:   St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic stupidity French Catholic classical senseless distruction patromony disrespect waste barbarism Edith Piaf Marlena Dietrich President Charles de Gaulle African American Henry Engelbert The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny wanton distraction

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The windows and any portable art will be removed. Murals will go down with the ship.
The church makes a big fuss over the fact (or fiction) that the spoils of closed churches are redistributed to new churches. I have seen the ham fisted re-use of stained glass in new construction, it is to my Art History soul a crime against art and a huge dishonor to the original donors.
For the final outcome:

Tags:   St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic stupidity French Catholic classical senseless distruction patromony disrespect waste barbarism Henry Engelbert The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny wanton distraction
