London Buslines was formed to bid for bus services being put out to tender by London Buses as part of the tendering of London bus services. It was owned by coach company proprietor Len Wright and began trading on 13/07/1985, when it became the first private operator to operate a London Buses service, the 81 from Hounslow to Slough using a motley collection of former LT DMS's. Fleet improvement was made over the following years and this Lynx was new in 06/1987. It is seen here in Hounslow Bus Station, in 05/1989 loading for a run on the 81 to Slough. There were six of these Lynx(751-6: D751-6DLO) in the batch and were the fledgling operator's first new vehicles.
The camera being a Praktica MTL3.
I would request, as with all my photos, that they are not copied or downloaded in any way, shape or form. © Peter Steel 1989.
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