New as a Leyland Vehicles demonstrator, in 03/1984, this very rare, there were only two built for the U.K. market, Leyland-DAB built in conjunction with Leyland's Danish subsidiary was acquired by the well respected Jim Stones, in 09/1986. Powered by Leyland's TL11 engine, it was well looked after by Jim Stones, where it once carried registration BUS1T. When the Stones family retired, thankfully this unique bus was saved for preservation. It is seen here on display at the Ribble Vehicle Preservation Trust's Morecambe Rally & Running Day, who's main base for the day was the Mazuma Stadium, home of Morecambe FC, on 22/05/2022. The other one built was new to United Auto., 1500, B500MPY, in 10/1984. I think these were an attempt to replace the Bristol LH who's production had ended in 1982. © Peter Steel 2022.
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