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User / RobT653 / Sets / Class 50
209 items

N 4 B 2.2K C 0 E Nov 27, 2017 F Nov 27, 2017
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Taken on 12th April 1989. Apart from their normal passenger duties one working that often produced a "Hoover" at this time was 4O41, the Cardiff to Southampton Postal. On this date large logo 50016 "Barham" was the motive power, with a featherweight load of two vans. The short train is seen here at Salisbury that night. Salisbury was an ideal place for Class 50 action in the evening and earlier part of the night, with through services to Waterloo and the West, along with terminating trains and the associated movements ready for the next morning. It helped that the station was quite a pleasant and well-lit location for night photography.

50016 was not to be one of the 50s that survived, being cut-up at CF Booth, Rotherham during June 1992.

Tags:   Postal Train Class 50 50016 50016 Barham Scan Salisbury Station

N 2 B 765 C 0 E Nov 28, 2017 F Nov 28, 2017
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From the same session at Salisbury as the previous picture featuring 50016, taken on April 12th 1989. This is NSE liveried 50027 "Lion" working 1V20, the 20:38 Waterloo to Yeovil Junction. Note the spire of the cathedral top right of the picture.

50027 was luckier than 50016, it escaped the cutter's torch and is preserved in operational condition on the Mid-Hants Railway.

Tags:   Salisbury Station Class 50 50027 50027 Lion Network South East Scan

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In addition to the Pathfinder Tours double headed Class 50 railtour on Saturday October 7th 2017, 50008 Thunderer was also at Carlisle, stabled in High Wapping Sidings. The 50 had worked to Carlisle with 56303 and the Railgrinder train.

Tags:   50008 50008 Thunderer Class 50

N 1 B 363 C 0 E Oct 7, 2017 F Oct 30, 2017
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Class 50s, 50007 & 50049 approach Carlisle on a very dull Saturday October 7th with Pathfinder Tours Caledonian railtour. The Class 50s brought the train forward from Crewe and worked to Glasgow, also working the return leg.

Tags:   Railtour Carlisle Caledonian Class 50

N 2 B 746 C 0 E Nov 28, 2017 F Nov 28, 2017
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On a dull and wet 12th April 1989, 50001 "Dreadnought" heading 1O28, the 09:40 Plymouth to Portsmouth service away from Exeter Central. Kodachrome 64 was not really the ideal film for these conditions, it much preferred sunshine, after scanning this one needed a lot of attention.

Tags:   Class 50 50001 50001 Dreadnought Network South East
