The viewpoint and photo credit to my son.
Not all Templar Knights were holy brothers of the Order. It was possible for men to join for short periods of time and serve as "brothers for a term". Were I truly a knight I would be a Templar in this capacity since I am married and have a beautiful wife to return home to. No oath of chastity for this knight just yet!
From what I understand most men joined the Templar Order in their twenties, but some teens and older men joined as well. Children brought up in an Order's house were not obligated to join when they grew up. Adult men who were capable and willing to fight were who the Order wanted.
There is all kinds of occult mysteria about the Templars swirling with rumors of heresy, sodomy, demon worship, and lost treasure. My knowledge about them is fairly limited. I am not a Templar or Freemason. I would say that most of that stuff makes for a good story but it is complete nonsense.
I would argue that most men who joined the Order did so out of sincere conviction and religious fervor. We may see them as brutal and intolerant, but remember that they were acting according to the beliefs of their time. The idea of a warrior monk is confusing to us nowadays, but made complete sense to people 800 years ago. No doubt these guys were idolized as ultimate heroes by many in medieval Christendom.
Bottom line is this. The King of France was bankrupt in 1307. The Crusades were done after Acre fell in 1291. The original purpose of the Templars protecting pilgrims in the Holy Land had become irrelevant, but they were extremely rich from the efficient banking system they developed. The Pope was weak and easily swayed by King Phillip. Friday October 13, 1307 the Templars are all rounded up and put in prison for two years to be tortured and ultimately burned for heretics.
And the King of France got their treasure. But did he get it all? Hmmm....
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