Pixie can watch everything and feel powerful from her position hanging off the stairs. She can remind a human that it's foodtime with a simple tap on the head , as you pass by underneath .
Tags: Pixie
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It is still extremely cold here with temperatures going below zero every night. With the ground so hard and icy, the New Forest Ponies take to eating the gorse and holly bushes. Apparently, they are very clever: they bite off the tips of the gorse which contain relatively high levels of toxins and eat the still 'tender' but slightly older stems
Tags: new forest pony pony eating gorse horse pony grey horse new forest national park
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Not the original "SUE" skeleton, but a full-size replica, on display at the Cranbrook Institute of Science in Oakland County, Michigan.
The nearly complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton was named for Sue Hendrickson, who discovered it in 1990 in the hills north of Faith, South Dakota.
The lights directed at SUE changed colors as we watched, and got a little dramatic at times.
Tags: maiac Cranbrook Institute of Science dinosaur skeleton SUE the T. rex Sony DSC HX-80 lj freeassociation
She is resting on one of the chairs on the patio. Taken by Ron.
Tags: cat cats kitty kitties Coco Key West
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Met this funny guy when we went shopping this morning :-)
Diesen lustigen Gesellen haben wir auf dem Weg zum Einkaufen getroffen:-)
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