Took a similar image to this one a couple of years back. Thought that this image that was never posted showed a bit more detail. Yes, barred owls are also great fishermen. This behaviour happens mainly during the late spring and early summer when the adults are after high energy food for the owlets.
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An angry robin attacks a barred owl as it flies through a clearing in Linley Valley.
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The western tanagers were somehwhat uncooperative yesterday but there were a few barred owls around the lake. These owls are notorious for being good fishermen. You can often find them in the local parks catching crayfish for their young in the early summer time.
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Would have missed this guy entirely at the entrance to Morrell Bird Sanctuary had it not been for the noisy robins. I think I walked a total of maybe 150 feet from the car.
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Here is a video of the Cottle Lake barred owl hooting up a storm. Lots of activity at the lake yesterday as regards the city grass cutting and machines. Amazing he was not frightened away with all the noise. I was lucky that there was a more quiet time to take this short video. Please note: Folks that are logged into my website will have to go to Flickr to see this video.
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