I love to go into my garden at night with a lantern or flashlight and my macro setup to see what comes out in the dark. This array of spiders are all nocturnal hunters. I was thrilled to come across several that I had not seen before, including a new one guarding her spiderlings (top left corner) and another one guarding her egg sac, spun into a silken "cradle" (bottom right corner). I will add the species names, if I can identify them. For now, the ones I do know are: top right" Marbled Cobweb Weaver, center: Cross Orbweaver, second row, left: Spotted Orbweaver, middle and bottom row, left: Spotted Orbweavers.
ABC's and 123's Seven Spiders
Tags: Sliders Sunday -- Post Processed To The MAX! Arachnids Nocturnal Hunters spiders webs garden beneficial wildlife animal nature Cross Orbweaver Spotted Orbweaver Marbled Cobweb Weaver egg-mass-in-silk female-orbweaver-guarding unidentified-female-spider carrying-spiderlings backyard Cook County Illinois camera gear Canon EOS 60D EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM Canon EOS 60D MP-E65mm f/2.8 1-5x Macro Photo
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Tags: arachnids spiders collage garden house Less is More favorites Slider's Sunday
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"Neoscona crucifera is an orb-weaver spider in the family Araneidae. It is found in the United States from Maine to Florida in the east, to Minnesota in the Midwest, to Arizona in the southwest, southern California coastal communities and in Mexico. Its common names include Hentz orbweaver (after Nicholas Marcellus Hentz, spotted orbweaver, and barn spider. The name "barn spider" is also commonly used for a different spider, Araneus cavaticus.
Generally nocturnal, females may become diurnal in the fall. Females are about 9.5–19 millimeters (0.37–0.75 in) long, while males are somewhat smaller. The upper surface of the abdomen is brown and hairy. The legs display alternating light and dark brown bands. The undersurface of the abdomen is black, with two white spots.
This species is relatively variable in color and sometimes pattern but is most commonly seen sporting a rusty-red or golden orange color. The orb-shaped web is very large and is often constructed on buildings and other man-made structures, often several feet above ground, especially near outdoor lights. This species is most conspicuous in late summer and early fall.
The orb part of the web may be nearly 2 feet (0.61 m) in diameter.[5] The egg sac consists of fluffy yellow threads in a rolled leaf over a lenticular or spherical egg mass 5–12 mm (0.20–0.47 in) in diameter, which may contain up to 1,000 eggs. Juveniles are frequently preyed upon by mud daubers. This species will bite if provoked, but its venom is not dangerous to humans." (Wikipedia)
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"Neoscona crucifera is an orb-weaver spider in the family Araneidae. It is found in the United States from Maine to Florida in the east, to Minnesota in the Midwest, to Arizona in the southwest, southern California coastal communities and in Mexico. Its common names include Hentz orbweaver (after Nicholas Marcellus Hentz, spotted orbweaver, and barn spider. The name "barn spider" is also commonly used for a different spider, Araneus cavaticus.
Generally nocturnal, females may become diurnal in the fall. Females are about 9.5–19 millimeters (0.37–0.75 in) long, while males are somewhat smaller. The upper surface of the abdomen is brown and hairy. The legs display alternating light and dark brown bands. The undersurface of the abdomen is black, with two white spots.
This species is relatively variable in color and sometimes pattern, but is most commonly seen sporting a rusty-red or golden orange color. The orb-shaped web is very large and is often constructed on buildings and other man-made structures, often several feet above ground, especially near outdoor lights. This species is most conspicuous in late summer and early fall.
The orb part of the web may be nearly 2 feet (0.61 m) in diameter.[5] The eggsac consists of fluffy yellow threads in a rolled leaf over a lenticular or spherical egg mass 5–12 mm (0.20–0.47 in) in diameter, which may contain up to 1,000 eggs. Juveniles are frequently preyed upon by mud daubers.[6] This species will bite if provoked, but its venom is not dangerous to humans." (Wikipedia)
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"Neoscona crucifera is an orb-weaver spider in the family Araneidae. It is found in the United States from Maine to Florida in the east, to Minnesota in the Midwest, to Arizona in the southwest, southern California coastal communities and in Mexico. Its common names include Hentz orbweaver (after Nicholas Marcellus Hentz, spotted orbweaver, and barn spider. The name "barn spider" is also commonly used for a different spider, Araneus cavaticus.
Generally nocturnal, females may become diurnal in the fall. Females are about 9.5–19 millimeters (0.37–0.75 in) long, while males are somewhat smaller. The upper surface of the abdomen is brown and hairy. The legs display alternating light and dark brown bands. The undersurface of the abdomen is black, with two white spots.
This species is relatively variable in color and sometimes pattern but is most commonly seen sporting a rusty-red or golden orange color. The orb-shaped web is very large and is often constructed on buildings and other man-made structures, often several feet above ground, especially near outdoor lights. This species is most conspicuous in late summer and early fall.
The orb part of the web may be nearly 2 feet (0.61 m) in diameter.[5] The egg sac consists of fluffy yellow threads in a rolled leaf over a lenticular or spherical egg mass 5–12 mm (0.20–0.47 in) in diameter, which may contain up to 1,000 eggs. Juveniles are frequently preyed upon by mud daubers. This species will bite if provoked, but its venom is not dangerous to humans." (Wikipedia)
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