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User / Orland Park Birdie Girl / Sets / Barred Owl (Strix varia)
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Barred Owls, also called "Hoot Owls," are native to the eastern US, but now range into parts of Canada and southern Mexico (where there is debate as to whether it is a distinct species). It is also found in British Columbia, California, Oregon and Washington, where it is considered invasive. It competes with and can be aggressive toward the native, Northern Spotted Owl. It prefers forested habitat, nests in tree cavities or the nests of Red-shouldered Hawks and usually lays 2-4 eggs. The female broods the eggs, while the male hunts for food and feeds her. He also brings food for her and the nestlings during the first six weeks after hatching.
It is a generalist feeder, preferring mammals such as mice, voles, rats, squirrels, bats, etc. but will take birds, insects, fish, salamanders, snakes and crayfish.
Barred Owls are long lived, as much as 24 years in the wild.

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ABC's and 123's O is for Owl.

Tags:   Barred Owl wildlife nature Corkscrew Swamp Naples Florida Strix varia

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The female owl had just given her fledgling a wriggling crayfish. The young owl tries to maneuver it from a horizontal position to a vertical one. After grasping the crayfish with it's foot, it is able to reposition it to swallow.

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Barred Owls, also called "Hoot Owls," are native to the eastern US, but now range into parts of Canada and southern Mexico (where there is debate as to whether it is a distinct species). It is also found in British Columbia, California, Oregon and Washington, where it is considered invasive. It competes with and can be aggressive toward the native, Northern Spotted Owl. It prefers forested habitat, nests in tree cavities or the nests of Red-shouldered Hawks and usually lays 2-4 eggs. The female broods the eggs, while the male hunts for food and feeds her. He also brings food for her and the nestlings during the first six weeks after hatching.
It is a generalist feeder, preferring mammals such as mice, voles, rats, squirrels, bats, etc. but will take birds, insects, fish, salamanders, snakes and crayfish.
Barred Owls are long lived, as much as 24 years in the wild.

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Barred Owls, also called "Hoot Owls," are native to the eastern US, but now range into parts of Canada and southern Mexico (where there is debate as to whether it is a distinct species). It is also found in British Columbia, California, Oregon and Washington, where it is considered invasive. It competes with and can be aggressive toward the native, Northern Spotted Owl. It prefers forested habitat, nests in tree cavities or the nests of Red-shouldered Hawks and usually lays 2-4 eggs. The female broods the eggs, while the male hunts for food and feeds her. He also brings food for her and the nestlings during the first six weeks after hatching.
It is a generalist feeder, preferring mammals such as mice, voles, rats, squirrels, bats, etc. but will take birds, insects, fish, salamanders, snakes and crayfish.
Barred Owls are long lived, as much as 24 years in the wild.

Tags:   Barred Owl fledgling Strix varia Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Audubon Nature Center Naples Florida conservation wildlife animal bird-of-prey
