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Christian Wenger / 53,937 items

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Tags:   Cargo Diesel Freighttrain Fret Ganzzug Güterzug Railway welchphoto 60 0004 Krabbenkutter Kutter Electroputere Craiova Sulzer Telegrafenleitung Telegraph Line Unicom Tranzit

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A second visit to Walton this time to capture Gbrf`s 69011 (ex 56032) passing with 6E86 the 08.15 Middleton Towers to Monk Bretton sand 19/09/2024.

Tags:   GBRF class69 69011 Ex 56032 Walton 6E86 Middleton-Towers Monk-Bretton sand

N 3 B 33 C 0 E Jun 23, 2024 F Sep 19, 2024
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N 94 B 568 C 0 E Aug 25, 2024 F Sep 19, 2024
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PKP Cargo ET41-103 passing near Bocanovice (CZ) on the morning of 2024.08.25. with a tanker train 49781 from Bronów to Čadca. PSŽ took over the train from Čadca with the Traxx No. 186 358 and forwarded to Trnovec nad Váhom as Pn 55306.

Tags:   pkp cargo et43 eisenbahnbilder eisenbahn bahnbilder train trainspotting zelenice züge zug vlak vlaky vonat vasút railway

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Unlike the Transalpin, the diverted night trains did not receive a special number to account for the diversion - possibly because no commercial stops were scheduled on Swiss soil besides the terminus. 1116 201 is seen hauling the ex-«Wiener Walzer» through the curve between the Tössmühle and the Reitplatz on the southern edge of Winterthur, 23-08-2024.

Tags:   SBB CFF FFS Schweizerische Bundesbahnen Chemins de Fer Fédéraux Federaux Suisses Ferrovie Federali Svizzere Swiss Federal Railways ÖBB Österreichische Oesterreichische Osterreichische NJ Nightjet 466 NJ466 Wiener Walzer Transalpin Série Serie BR Baureihe class type 1116 Rh1116 Taurus railjet Winterthur Tössmühle trein train Zug

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