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User / just.Luc / Sets / Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe
14 items

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French 17th century bronze sculpture in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, Germany.

Tags:   Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe man male homme hombre uomo mann sculpture escultura statue estatua statua beeld beeldhouwwerk brons bronze metal metaal nu nude nudo desnudo naakt nackt naked Allemagne Deutschland Duitsland Germany Amburgo Hamburg Hambourg monochrome monochroom monotone Europa Europe art kunst public publiek museum museo musée god dieu museet mand

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Limewood sculpture by Gregor Erhart in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Germany.

Tags:   museet

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Tapestry designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones and executed by Morris and Company at Merton Abbey in Surrey, England.
From the collection of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, Germany.

Tags:   The Adoration tapestry tapisserie Bildwirkerei wandtapijt Sir E. Burne-Jones religion godsdienst faith religious bible bijbel textile textiel red rood Rot rouge bleu Blau blue azul blauw Prerafaëlieten Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Pre-Raphaelites Préraphaélisme museet rojo rosso

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Wooden sculpture in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, Germany.
The story of how the Archangel Raphael helped a young man named Tobias is found in the Old Testament Book of Tobit. When Tobias is sent by his blind father to a distant land to collect a debt, the archangel appears in the guise of an older companion and guide. At one point he helps Tobias catch a large fish with curative properties. When they reach their destination and Tobias falls in love with a young woman troubled by an evil spirit, Raphael teaches him how to drive the spirit away so that the two can marry. When they return home, the archangel prepares a salve from parts of the fish and heals Tobias’ blind father. Tobias’ dog follows the two travelers throughout their journey.

Based on this story, St. Raphael has long been considered the patron saint of healers, travelers, and fishermen. His traditional color is blue.

Tags:   religion godsdienst faith religious Allemagne Deutschland Duitsland Germany Amburgo Hamburg Hambourg sculpture escultura statue estatua statua beeld beeldhouwwerk man male homme hombre uomo garçon boy jongen Junge Knabe knaap Europa Europe kunst art wood hout bois Holz gilded verguld doré vergoldet painted geschilderd peint Museum Musée museo museet mand

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Faience sculpture by Richard Luksch in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, Germany.

Tags:   sculpture escultura statue estatua statua beeld beeldhouwwerk fayence faience faïence vrouw femme Frau donna mujer woman Allemagne Deutschland Duitsland Germany nue nude nudo desnudo naakt nackt naked Amburgo Hamburg Hambourg Europa Europe Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe museet
