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User / Khaled M. K. HEGAZY / Sets / Gaza
Khaled M. K. HEGAZY / 30 items

N 53 B 499 C 14 E Sep 13, 2024 F Sep 13, 2024
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The keys of their homes in Palestine before the Nakba.

The Nakba (Arabic: النَّكْبَة) is the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs through their violent displacement and dispossession of land, property, and belongings, along with the destruction of their society and the suppression of their culture, identity, political rights, and national aspirations.

The term is used to describe the events of the 1948 Palestine war in Mandatory Palestine as well as the ongoing persecution and displacement of Palestinians by Israel.

As a whole, it covers the fracturing of Palestinian society and the long-running rejection of the right of return for Palestinian refugees and their descendants.

Tags:   Gaza Genocide Palestine Refugees Keys Home

N 61 B 594 C 9 E Sep 10, 2024 F Sep 9, 2024
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Tags:   Gaza Genocide Palestine Facts

N 39 B 500 C 15 E Sep 8, 2024 F Sep 7, 2024
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Tags:   Gaza Genocide Palestine Poland Warsaw WWII

N 54 B 656 C 12 E Sep 4, 2024 F Sep 4, 2024
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“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

Desmond Tutu

Tags:   Gaza Genocide Palestine Quote

N 19 B 743 C 5 E Sep 3, 2024 F Sep 3, 2024
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The war is horrible, so why did the Palestinians initiate this war with their vicious attack on Israelis on October 7?

Well they didn't.

They did not!

This war has been going for 75 years.

Israel initiated it in 1948 by ethnically cleansing 750 thousand people.

We must expel Arabs

(Get out of here)

We must expel Arabs and take their places.

We must expel Arabs and take their places; and if we have to use force, not to dispossess the Arabs of the Negev and Transjordan but to guarantee our own right in those places then we have force at your disposal.

David Ben-Gurion; the first prime minister said that in 1937.

And that's what they proceeded to do.

The people in Gaza, This is what you need to need understand.

The people in Gaza; over 80% of them are refugees. Many of them are from a place called Majdal Ashkelon, in what is now southern Israel In the city called Ashkelon.

And they were dragged from their homes and driven from their homes. Placed in prison camps; barbed wire prison camps. And then dumped into trucks in 1950 into the Gaza Strip where they would be permanently warehoused.

And then Israel proceeded to move Arab Jewish refugees and Russians to Ashkelon to prevent them from ever coming back; and pass laws to prevent Arabs, Palestinians from being able return their homes.

750.000 were ethnically cleansed.

For 18 years the remaining Palestinians; 100 thousand were, internally displaced inside Israel. The remaining were put under military rule. They are under military occupation until 1966.

Then in 1967 Israel violently in a war it initiated occupies Gaza, occupies the West Bank, occupies the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights in East Jerusalem.

And then invades Lebanon in 1982 attacking Palestinian refugees there.

Puts Gaza under siege in 2005; no one can get in and out without Israeli military permission

We must kill and kill all day, every day, That's according to Arnon Sofer an Israeli government consultant who helped to devise the siege of Gaza.

For years, Israel would not allow certain chocolates and A2 paper into Gaza.

And then they began these brutal military assaults which they call "mowing the lawn". And I talked about those assaults that took place on Gaza.

So this didn't come out of a vacuum.

You're not going be able hold people under siege, then cut them off from the world and then expect them to just play along.

That doesn't mean that I celebrate what happened on October 7th, it should have never had happened.

The reason it happened is because of the Israel lobby here. That genocide democrats and genocide republicans who deny Palestinians any right to have rights.

And it's the right to have rights that defines you as a citizen.

They're citizens of nothing.

And now we see what Israel really thinks of them, really thinks of their children.

Gaza has become a graveyard for children according to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

So this didn't start on October 7th and it's not going end when there is ceasefire

Tags:   Gaza Genocide Palestine Facts
