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User / Welsh Gold / Sets / Last of the Steam Engines
Chris Davies / 209 items

N 8 B 1.0K C 4 E Dec 8, 2015 F Dec 15, 2015
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With just about enough light to pull off the shot, an unidentified JS locomotive reverses into the loading point to load up with coal for the return trip to the wash plant. Taken at the western section of the open pit at SanDaoLing Province, northwest China.

Tags:   JS Locomotive Empty Coal Train Eastern Open Pit Loading Point Xinjiang Province North West China SanDaoLing

N 15 B 1.2K C 10 E Dec 3, 2015 F Feb 22, 2016
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Whilst the gate keeper keeps a lookout, an SY locomotive reverses through the level crossing in charge of empty mine spoil wagons en-route to Wulong colliery. Fuxin, North-Western Liaoning Province, People's Republic of China.

Tags:   SY Locomotive Level Crossing Fuxin North-Western Liaoning Province People's Republic China

N 14 B 1.4K C 4 E Dec 3, 2015 F Jul 21, 2018
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An SY locomotive pulls back a rake of empty hopers having discharged another load of mine spoil into a former open cast giant pit. The stacks and cooling towers of Fuxin power station dominate the background.

Tags:   SY Steam Locomotive Mine Spoil Waste Train Fuxin Power Station Pollution Heavy Industry Liaoning Province China

N 33 B 2.8K C 20 E Dec 3, 2015 F Dec 19, 2016
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Tags:   Smoke Smog Cooling Tower Smoking Stacks Railway Line Steam Engines Locomotives Coal Fired Power Station People Crossing Winter Fuxin Liaoning Province China Pollution Yellow Skies Global Warming

N 43 B 2.7K C 11 E Dec 1, 2015 F Jun 17, 2016
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Smog, smoke, steam, the reflections of the loco in the puddles, the smell of burning coal, the orange headlight from the engine and, the train crew going about their final inspections of the loco before starting up on the night shift, shall be a moment I shall never forget.

The steam depot at Fuxin certainly makes for some atmospheric shots at night time and I was very lucky to witness this scene. And, all to myself in this particular shot with the other photographers having already left. There is a strong rumour that steam at Fuxin may finish at the end of this month but it looks like that may not be the case as at least 4 SY locomotives are still on active duty with plans to dieselise the line beyond Wulong underground coal mine put on hold.

Tags:   Steam Depot Fuxin Night Shift Prepartions SY Locomotive 1397 Liaoning Privince China
