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User / Lila Brooks / Sets / Strapless
Lila Brooks / 141 items

N 16 B 22.5K C 25 E Oct 24, 2014 F Dec 1, 2014
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If this dress, stockings, shoes and accessories (silver and black jewelry, white hair decorations) don't exemplify "Lila-style", I don't know what does (well, maybe a bit of pink)!

N 51 B 56.7K C 38 E May 11, 2014 F May 12, 2014
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This Jessica McClintock gown easily makes it to near the top of my list of best thrift store finds ($6.50)! It feels so incredibly delightful to wear ... like re-living the very first time I put on panties, bra, a slip, pantyhose, heels, and a formal dress as a young teen and saw myself in the mirror. Words cannot express how wonderfully feminine it makes me feel!

N 76 B 45.3K C 31 E Jan 24, 2015 F Feb 9, 2015
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No, not the outfit, the smooth abdomen ...

N 30 B 21.8K C 21 E Aug 3, 2014 F Aug 10, 2014
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I had to drive around 3 hours away last weekend for a gathering of old friends, which was a wonderful time. On my way home, I took the wrong route off the freeway when I needed to stop for gas, and wound up several miles out of my way. In Vallejo, I stopped at an ATM and noticed a Goodwill just across the street, so I just had to get in some shopping, and came out with this dress and another (even better! photo forthcoming) one for $7 each, which is considerably less than the $11 dresses usually go for at their Bay Area stores.

N 40 B 25.5K C 17 E Mar 13, 2014 F Mar 14, 2014
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I received a request to model a strapless top with these shorts, so here it is! I always enjoy receiving requests for outfits to try out. I can't promise I'll get to all of them, but I'll try anything reasonable.
