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User / Kiara Rose
572 items

N 185 B 11.3K C 73 E Feb 13, 2012 F Feb 12, 2012
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It's hard to describe the way you feel when you don't feel anything at all.

Enter Jacob's giveaway.

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Tags:   i couldn't sleep, so at 5am i decided to go for a walk then i stepped in mud and to make matters worse the sheep decided to attack me so here i am running around in the mud, at 5am with a tripod in my hands just the norm my mum was asleep and it was cold outside and by the time i got inside i was a popsicle yay photography next time, i will find another way to clear my mind

N 113 B 11.5K C 30 E Nov 10, 2011 F Nov 10, 2011
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Those birds are real. It took a few tries but after getting a few stones and throwing them in the trees, I managed to get a shot of them flying.

Tags:   blue balloon girl dress white birds coincidence expansion hair long brunette regina spektor guiiiiz

N 120 B 6.7K C 40 E Nov 9, 2011 F Nov 9, 2011
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This didnt fit under a colour category. But who cares.

sooc minus expansion.

For Barlas, since he saw this first.

Tags:   sunset radiance australia backyard acreage sitting sooc expansion rainbow self portrait favourite

N 94 B 45.1K C 19 E Nov 4, 2011 F Nov 4, 2011
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Beauty is something that means a lot to me. As much as I hate to admit it, being beautiful is something I have always wanted. I've always wanted people to look at me and think, 'wow, she is beautiful'. I don't just mean physical beauty, I mean inner beauty. Real beauty. You may not understand how I feel, but I feel as if the whole world is lying to me. I want to be beautiful. The world isn't allowing me to be that. And I don't believe that I am telling you this, flickr. Because it's very personal. I haven't believed anyone who calls me beautiful up until today.

Tags:   sunset autumn bun hair orange gradient clouds storm expansion rfame girl beauty

N 81 B 14.4K C 31 E Sep 14, 2011 F Sep 14, 2011
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[7/52] ICE/COLD

This is also for Sarah's Polaroid Giveaway!

Quote by my Favourite Author; As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words.

- William Shakespeare

I couldn't choose a book because that's like asking me to choose a favourite child. The bible.

I told you all I would step up my game and I finally produced a decent photo, so here it is.

The texture is somewhat inspired by David Talley & his awesome creativity.

Freelensing selfportrait! I think this is something to be proud of.

Enter my giveaway.

Tags:   ice cold lips sugar broken shatter projects sarah ann loreth polaroid competition freelensing
