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User / _Tiler / Mike Burroughs’ 1928 Ford Model A rat rod
Calin / 766 items
Exactly 10 years ago to the day, I was uploading Mike Burroughs’ 1928 Ford Model A rat rod in its Lego version – see the dedicated folder. It was my first – and I dare saying, the very first Lego hot rod in this size – to sport the curved & hinged body design which quickly went all places. And it still is one of my most favourite hot rods to date, both in Lego and real life. It’s just a bare machine that looks to me like it doesn’t need one single extra screw anywhere – and that’s exactly how I wanted my Lego thing to feel like.

It took almost 10 years until I’ve got what I needed to fix that ugly, house-roof looking nose which not only was driving me crazy, but also generated an impossibly complicated construction for something so small. Now it finally comes in a sturdier, straightforward build, with a slightly shorter front/hood and updated grille mask, motor and cowl design.

Many thanks to Mike who, along the years, has shared my pictures in his Instagram account on several occasions, I had absolutely no idea that he liked that Lego thing so much until I’ve set up my own account there.

This wasn’t exactly on my uploading priorities list, but I didn’t want to miss the… “anniversary”, or whatever you want to call it. So just one picture for today, but I’m sure I won’t resist photographing this car even more.

— Instagram
  • Views: 9004
  • Comments: 5
  • Favorites: 97
  • Taken: Sep 30, 2023
  • Uploaded: Oct 3, 2023
  • Updated: Oct 12, 2023