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User / _Tiler / Riddle me this
Calin / 766 items
SDCC time again, and what a disappointment... again.

I think by now it has become more than obvious that Lego doesn't really give a damn about the European collectors, fans and customers - or anyone living outside San Diego or NY, for that matter. "Build hype and excitement around the brand", "Creating brand awareness", they say. For whom, if I may ask? For those attending a convention? Why the public announcements then? Why the "limited" issues flashed before our eyes? Why not just giving away limited batches of ACTUAL products that will be released in the following year? What the heck, even BrickArms does it like that and still gets a great deal of "hype" and "brand awareness", I might add. What is this, some sort of "look what a cool minifig we can design, but hey, you'll never get it, because it's limited and hey, we also have to leave a bit more to be squeezed out of the character in the following year... Maybe a printed leg here, a different torso there..." ?

I just learned that a Batman/Riddler/Flash set has been announced at SDCC and will be out in 2014. Apparently, it will contain a hotrod for the Riddler. So here's some "hype" marketing on my side. By the time the set is out, I'll get you a proper minifig-scale hotrod for the Riddler and I'll give away building instructions for free - yes, for FREE! - just so you won't have to buy that set! The little hotrod in the image is just a preview, but I promisse the minifig-scale version will be more than just a joke meant to sell 3 minifigs.

Obviously, this is just bitter irony, as most obviously you WILL pay the money for the set just to get the minifigs that everyone wants... Because you know that is all that "Batman: The Riddler Chase" is about, right? I might be wrong about all of this, but the fact still remains: It's just frustrating to see a brand that we all love - and promote, I might add - going... "limited".

Enough debate, I'm back :)
  • Views: 33790
  • Comments: 3
  • Favorites: 36
  • Taken: Jul 18, 2013
  • Uploaded: Jul 18, 2013
  • Updated: Jul 3, 2023