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N 2 B 32 C 1 E Feb 24, 2025 F Feb 24, 2025
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I made this photo by waving a WHITE LED strip up and over a soft-ball-sized soap bubble during a four-second time exposure. There are 26 LED lights in the strip.
Again, the LED lights are white, and it's the soap-sphere that acts like a prism to extract all these colors from that white light.
I got the "recipe" for making these bubbles from a post on the FB group "The Maine Photography Page" by Megan Lowell, who has some beautiful pictures AND videos of the crystalline structures that form on the surface of such bubbles when they're exposed to very cold (12° F. or less).
It was too windy outside in the 7° air to keep my bubbles from breaking the other night, but while practicing making bubbles in the warmth of my kitchen I noticed the reflection in a bubble of one of my kitchen lights had transformed into a multi-color spectacle, so I thought I'd see what bubbles would do to a line of LEDs, and here's one of the results. Background is black velvet; bubble is blown onto a glass vase. Canon T7i, f20, 4sec, ISO 100. This one bubble lasted well over 20 minutes! And was a well-behaved subject.
Megan OK'd my request to put her recipe here:
1 cup warm water
2 Tbsp sugar
3 Tbsp dish soap [Chip used "Ivory" brand]
3 Tbsp corn syrup
Stir mixture until sugar is dissolved.
Use a straw to blow a bubble onto a frozen surface.
This may take a few tries as the bubbles are delicate and pop easily.
Bubbles generally start to freeze at 12° but freeze much better when the temps drop to the single digits or below.
[C7 3611] Alt Tags: Canon Rebel T7i EOS 800D

Tags:   soap bubble bubble prism time exposure light trails Canon EOS Rebel T7i Canon EOS 800D Rebel T7i EOS 800D ChipsFolio

N 2 B 74 C 2 E Feb 16, 2025 F Feb 15, 2025
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These four images are frames from an animation I made of the "sRGB Color Cube", which in itself is a way of organizing all 16M colors that a typical computer monitor can display. In the animation, we go completely around the cube starting above it and ending underneath.
I hope you'll check it out! The animation is in an earlier FLICKR post of mine; there's a link in the first comment below!ges

Tags:   sRGB RGB Color Space Color Cube Jasc Jasc Paint Shop Pro Paint Shop Pro ChipsFolio

N 0 B 17 C 0 E Feb 15, 2025 F Feb 15, 2025
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Each of the 16 million colors available on your screen is created by mixing together a certain amount of Red, Green, and Blue light at each point on the screen. Think of Red-light, Green-light and Blue-light as the three ingredients in a recipe, and the recipe tells you how much of each ingredient, on a scale from 0 to 255, to use. Each of the 16M colors has its own recipe for how many units of Red, Green and Blue light you need.

Only a very few of the 16M available colors have "official names" as used by web-page creators. One of these is "Medium Orchid".
Its recipe is:
186 units of Red light
85 units of Green light
211 units of Blue light
We write this simply as (186, 85, 211); it's understood that the three numbers mean the amounts of Red, Green and Blue to use, in that order.

Here's how to locate "Medium Orchid" in the RGB Color Cube: This picture shows Cube with all but 10 of the 16M colored spheres removed. One of the 8 corners of the cube is called "The Origin" and the Red-, Green-, and Blue- color-axes all start there; each color-axis then runs along one of the cube's edges. To see where to plot "Medium Orchid", we start at the Origin, and move along the Red axis by 186 units. Then we take a left-turn and move out onto the bottom of the cube, going parallel to the green axis for 85 units. Finally we climb straight up, parallel to the Blue axis, by 211 units. We will be at the center of the "Medium Orchid" sphere. We really should draw a very tiny sphere there, because the whole cube contains 16M colored spheres that shouldn't overlap. But when there's only a few spheres, we draw them big so they are easy to see.

(You can get to any color-sphere by following the three axes in any order you choose, as long as you travel the correct number of units in the recipe for that R/G/B ingredient. For example,
we got to "Medium Sea Green" = (60, 179, 113) by first moving along the Green axis by 179 units, then paralleling the Red axis by 60 units, finally climbing vertically parallel to the Blue axis by 113 units. )

At each corner of the cube we've plotted a big sphere. Their official Web names and recipes are:
Red = (255, 0, 0) No green or blue is mixed into that red color. It's as pure, bright red as you can get on your screen.
Green = (0, 255, 0)
Blue = (0, 0, 255)
Cyan = (0, 255, 255)
Yellow = (255, 255, 0) - note well! pure yellow is created by mixing Red and Green light to the max of 255 units each.
Magenta = (255, 0 , 255)
Black = (0, 0, 0) - that's the color at the Origin. The absence of any visible light.
White = (255, 255, 255).

Go here to see a list of the named "web colors" and their recipes: www.w3.org/wiki/CSS/Properties/color/keywords
Note they give the name "aqua" to what we call "cyan".

Tags:   sRGB RGB Color Space Color Cube Jasc Jasc Paint Shop Pro Paint Shop Pro Maple Maple Software ffmpeg ChipsFolio

N 0 B 158 C 1 E Feb 15, 2025 F Feb 15, 2025
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I'll bet most FLICKR people know about the RGB color space, but I'll include the write-up I made for this video that I posted on another website. [by "RGB" I mean the IEC 61966-2-1 Default RGB Colour Space referred to as "sRGB"]

On typical computer monitors, most smart phone screens and and TV's, a color picture is displayed using thousands of tiny dots of colored light. The number of colors available at each individual dot is over 16.7 million! The RGB Color Cube shows how to display all those colors in an orderly fashion.

If you were going to display each of these 16M colors in its own little jar-of-light in an art-supply store, how would you arrange them on the shelves?
By plotting a well-chosen sample of only 4096 of those colors, the rotating cube-of-colored-spheres in this video presents an orderly way of arranging the 16M jars (All 16M colors would fill in the empty spaces between the 4096 actually shown). How are the 4096 colors organized in this cube? The short answer: any color produced on screen can be analyzed for how much Red light, how much Green light and how much Blue light was mixed together to make that color. A tiny sphere colored using this "RGB triple" of values is plotted inside the cube at location R,G,B. To find that location, travel R units along the cube's red axis, turn left and go G units parallel to the green axis, and finally, rise B units straight up in the direction of the blue axis. That's where you put the little sphere.

I give an example in my next post:

I produced this animation using the math software package "Maple", a MapleSoft product. I set Maple up to draw these spheres as viewed from 200 different positions around the cube, saved these individual frames as .png files, and combined them into the movie (an "mpeg", or ".mp4" file) using the program "ffmpeg".

I don't understand all the options available from that program, but at least got it to produce an animation where the frames seem to use all 16M colors. BUT while my .png files seem to preserve the sphere coloring (one color per sphere) the individual frames of the mpeg have those "jpeg" like artifacts in all the spheres that make them look splotchy-colored. You can see this if you pause the movie. To see the artifacts more clearly make a screen copy of a frame and enlarge it in your favorite editing program. I'll post an example of this also.

Tags:   sRGB RGB Color Space Color Cube Jasc Jasc Paint Shop Pro Paint Shop Pro Maple Maple Software ffmpeg ChipsFolio
