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User / Adrian Royle / Sets / Bardney Limewoods 2011
Adrian Royle / 639 items

N 0 B 931 C 2 E Mar 27, 2011 F Mar 27, 2011
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My first visit to the Limewoods for about 6 months, not much about on the first visit but life has been slowly returning to the forest.. Lots of 7 Spot Ladybirds were out though enjoying the late winter sunshine and each other.

Tags:   Lincolnshire Bardney Limewoods NNR nature wildlife insects beetle Coleoptera ladybirds 7 Spot Ladybirds Coccinellidae macro Nikon

N 0 B 120 C 2 E Mar 27, 2011 F Mar 27, 2011
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Head to head to head.

Tags:   Lincolnshire Bardney Limewoods NNR nature wildlife insects Coleoptera beetle ladybirds 7 Spot Ladybird Coccinellidae macro Nikon

N 0 B 99 C 1 E Mar 18, 2011 F Mar 27, 2011
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The first Grass Snake was seen on March 7th but finding one willing to pose took a while, this was the first poser I could find.

Tags:   Lincolnshire Bardney Limewoods NNR nature wildlife reptile snake Grass Snake macro Nikon

N 0 B 65 C 1 E Mar 18, 2011 F Mar 27, 2011
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Grass Snake

Tags:   Lincolnshire Bardney Limewoods NNR nature wildlife reptile snake Grass Snake macro Nikon

N 0 B 126 C 1 E Mar 18, 2011 F Mar 27, 2011
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Grass Snake

Tags:   Lincolnshire Bardney Limewoods NNR nature wildlife reptile snake Grass Snake macro Nikon
