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User / Adrian Royle / Sets / Bardney Limewoods 2012
Adrian Royle / 55 items

N 0 B 1.4K C 1 E May 27, 2012 F Sep 29, 2012
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Time to catch up with some UK pics before I completely forget about them.

Tags:   Bardney Limewoods NNR Chambers Farm Wood nature wildlife insect macro Nikon Odonata damselfly pond

N 0 B 74 C 1 E May 27, 2012 F Sep 29, 2012
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A visit to the butterfly garden pond at a good time. Quite a few damselflies emerging and several local snappers there to sit and watch :-)

Tags:   Bardney Limewoods NNR Chambers Farm Wood nature wildlife insect macro Nikon Odonata damselfly pond

N 0 B 52 C 1 E May 27, 2012 F Sep 29, 2012
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hello world

Tags:   Bardney Limewoods NNR Chambers Farm Wood nature wildlife insect macro Nikon Odonata damselfly pond

N 0 B 50 C 0 E May 27, 2012 F Sep 29, 2012
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newly emerged damselfly and exuvia

Tags:   Bardney Limewoods NNR Chambers Farm Wood nature wildlife insect macro Nikon Odonata damselfly pond

N 0 B 72 C 1 E May 27, 2012 F Sep 29, 2012
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diving beetle in the butterfly garden pond

Tags:   Bardney Limewoods NNR Chambers Farm Wood nature wildlife insect macro Nikon pond Coleoptera beetle diving beetle
