This is a roller skating rink label from the Maple Grove Rollarena, which was part of Maple Grove Park, an amusement park that was formerly located along the
Lincoln Highway just west of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This section of the highway was designated as Route 30 at the time but is now part of
Pennsylvania Route 462. Although the amusement park is gone, the rink building was refurbished and reopened in 1985 as Castle Roller Skating.
The "We Did It Before, We'll Do It Again" slogan derives from a sheet music piece, "
We Did It Before and We Can Do It Again," which was written by Cliff Friend and Charlie Tobias in response to the
bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Its appearance here suggests that the label's publication date may be as early as 1942.
Another version of this label that I spotted online substituted the lines, "Keep 'em Rolling Longer / We'll win the War / They're off," and omitted a rink name and address.
Maple Grove Rollarena
Route 30, One Mile West, Lancaster. Pa.
For health's sake, roller skate.
Chicago [Roller Skate] Co.
"We Did It Before." "We'll Do It Again."