A business card for
Allen Walton (1835-1898) and his sons,
Allen K. Walton (1860-1942) and
Robert J. Walton (1863-1932), of the
Hummelstown Brownstone Company. During the company's existence from 1863 to 1929, it produced
Hummelstown brownstone, which was a popular stone used in buildings throughout the United States.
Hummelstown Brown-Stone Co.
Quarrymen and Manufacturers of
Building Stone,
Sawed Flagging and Tile
Waltonville, Dauphin Co., Pa.
Parties visiting the Quarries will leave
cars at Brownstone Station on the
Philadelphia and Reading R.R.
Telegraph Address
Hummelstown, Pa.
Craig, Finley & Co., Philada., Pa.
Established 1867
Allen Walton, President.
Allen K. Walton, Sec'y & Treas.
Robt. J. Walton, Superintendent.
Contractors For
All Kinds Of Cut
Stone Work