Billboard: "The Home of Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch & Dining Rooms. Turkey dinners, $1.25. 24 hour diner service. Tourist home." Caption: "Caulkins, T-58."
Take a look at a 2006 view taken from about the same vantage point . The billboard is no longer there, unfortunately.
Tags: ephemera postcards real photo postcards rppc photos photographs found photos advertising advertisements ads Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Restaurant Fry Bros. Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch turkeys ranches turkey dinners restaurants buildings architecture roadside routes roads highways Susquehanna Susquehanna Trail trails auto trails U.S. Route 15 Route 15 autos automobiles cars signs billboards Steam Valley Steam Valley Mountain Trout Run Pa. Lycoming County Pennsylvania antique old vintage Caulkins Nelson Adelbert Caulkins photographers
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Caption: "Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch & Diner on Rt 15, 20 miles no. of Williamsport, Pa. Caulkins Photo, Morris, Penna. T-106."
A real photo postcard view (circa 1940s-1950s) of what is now called the Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Restaurant. There are no crowds of customers in my photo of the same scene in 2006, but the service station is still there, and I believe that the building in the background--hidden behind a new extension to the front of the restaurant--is still there, too.
Tags: ephemera postcards real photo postcards rppc photos photographs found photos advertising advertisements ads Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Restaurant Fry Bros. Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch turkeys ranches turkey dinners restaurants buildings architecture roadside routes roads highways Susquehanna Susquehanna Trail trails auto trails U.S. Route 15 Route 15 autos automobiles cars signs billboards Steam Valley Steam Valley Mountain Trout Run Pa. Lycoming County Pennsylvania antique old vintage Caulkins Nelson Adelbert Caulkins photographers 1950s
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Caption on the front of this real photo postcard: "Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch & Dining Rooms, 20 miles north of Williamsport, Pa., on Route 15. Caulkins, T-14."
A restaurant with its own turkey farm, the Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch and Dining Rooms opened for business near Trout Run, Pennsylvania, in 1939. Located along U.S. Route 15 on Steam Valley Mountain, it's situated about 20 miles north of the city of Williamsport and about 100 miles north of Harrisburg, the state capital. The restaurant celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary in 2014 and is still known today as the Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch. Although the owners serve about 100,000 customers a year, they no longer raise their own turkeys.
I stopped at the restaurant in 2006 while traveling north to New York State, and I had a tasty meal of turkey and waffles there. It was so good that I had to stop again for some more turkey and waffles on the way back.
For some real photo postcards showing the restaurant in the 1940s or 1950s and some of my own photos from 2006, see my Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch album.
A turkeys photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park.
Tags: ephemera postcards real photo postcards rppc photos photographs found photos advertising advertisements ads Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Restaurant Fry Bros. Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch turkeys animals birds poultry ranches turkey dinners restaurants buildings architecture roadside routes roads highways Susquehanna Susquehanna Trail trails auto trails U.S. Route 15 Route 15 autos automobiles cars signs billboards Steam Valley Steam Valley Mountain Trout Run Pa. Lycoming County Pennsylvania antique old vintage Caulkins Nelson Adelbert Caulkins photographers vptp
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The Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Restaurant is located along the southbound side of busy U.S. Route 15. See also a real photo postcard that shows how the restaurant looked in the 1940s or 1950s.
As I took photos of the restaurant when I visited in 2006, I had to wait for numerous tractor-trailer trucks to pass by in order to get a clear shot of the restaurant. Note the two trucks parked near the Citgo gas pumps in the background of the photo above, and see two examples of the many trucks that noisily whizzed past.
Tags: Fry Brothers Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Restaurant Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch turkeys ranches restaurants buildings architecture roadside routes roads highways Susquehanna Susquehanna Trail trails auto trails U.S. Route 15 Route 15 autos automobiles cars signs Steam Valley Steam Valley Mountain Trout Run Pa. Lycoming County Pennsylvania
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The Fry Brother Turkey Ranch Restaurant in a photo taken in 2006. See also a real photo postcard dating to the 1940s or 1950s.
Tags: Fry Brothers Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch Fry Brothers Turkey Ranch Restaurant Fry Bros. Turkey Ranch turkeys ranches restaurants buildings architecture roadside routes roads highways Susquehanna Susquehanna Trail trails auto trails U.S. Route 15 Route 15 autos automobiles cars signs Steam Valley Steam Valley Mountain Trout Run Pa. Lycoming County Pennsylvania Citgo
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