I haven't located any information regarding Gustav Brünner and Helene Rumke, but hopefully I've translated the text of their wedding menu without too many errors.
Menu zur Hochzeitsfeier des Herrn Gustav Brünner und Fräulein Helene Rumke am Sonnabend, den 11. Mai 1889.
Ochsenfilet, Bratkartoffeln.
Lachs, Butter, und Petersilie.
Spargel, Spinat, Erbsen, Schinken, Ochsenzunge, gebr. Schweser.
Kapaunen, Salat, und Compot.
Eis, Backwerk.
Butter, Käse, Nachtisch.
Ernst Gravenhorst, Hamburg.
Menu for the Wedding of Mr. Gustav Brünner and Miss Helene Rumke on Saturday, May 11, 1889.
Crab Soup.
Fillet of Beef, Fried Potatoes.
Salmon, Butter, and Parsley.
Asparagus, Spinach, Peas, Ham, Ox Tongue, fried Sweetbreads.
Capons, Salad, and Compote.
Ice Cream, Baked Goods.
Butter, Cheese, Dessert.
Ernst Gravenhorst, Hamburg.
Tags: ephemera menus paper printed food meals weddings marriages Brünner Gustav Brünner Rumke Helene Rumke German men women stoves forks cooks cooking chickens capons poultry throwing bursting through humor humorous funny May 11 1889 1880s antique old vintage Gravenhorst Ernst Gravenhorst printers Hamburg Germany Deutschland typefaces type typography fonts illustrations
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"The Irvington, July 4, 1893, Dinner. Oysters on shell, snapper, consommé royal, Kennebec salmon, Hollandaise sauce, pommes à la Russe, cucumbers, capon, oyster sauce, prime ribs of beef, young duck, apple sauce, lamb, mint sauce, sweet bread patties, à la reine, braised tenderloin, with mushrooms, queen fritters, glace au rum, mashed potatoes, Bermuda potatoes, peas, tomatoes, cauliflower, cream sauce, rice queen olives, Worcestershire sauce, chow chow, cole slaw, lettuce mayonnaise, gherkins, lemon meringue pie, English plum pudding, brandy sauce, queen of puddings, vanilla ice cream, raspberry water ice, assorted cake, apricots, plums, bananas, figs, almonds, English walnuts, raisins, crackers, cheese, black coffee, milk. Wine list may be obtained from head waiter."
Tags: ephemera menus paper printed Irvington The Irvington Irvington Hotel hotels restaurants food dinners meals women fans dresses clothing clothes flowers holidays Independence Day Fourth of July 4th of July July 4 July 4th Atlantic City NJ New Jersey Victorian 19th century nineteenth century 1893 1890s antique old vintage bows ribbons typefaces type typography fonts
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The Ponce de Leon Hotel in St. Augustine, Florida, was built by Henry Morrison Flagler, "a Gilded Age industrialist, railroad pioneer, and partner with John D. Rockefeller in Standard Oil" (as described on Flagler College's Who We Are page). The luxury hotel opened on January 10, 1888, and this menu dates to February 26 of that year. Today, the hotel building is part of Flagler College.
Gil Wilson's History of the City of St. Augustine Web site contains additional information regarding the Ponce de Leon Hotel and Osborn Dunlap Seavey, the hotel's manager in 1888.
Not to be confused with the Ponce de Leon Hotel in Roanoke, Virginia.
Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine, Florida
O. D. Seavey, manager
Lunch, Saturday, February 25, 1888.
Consommé. Julienne with rice,
Pickled oysters. Fried shad roe, á la tartare. Radishes. Bermuda potatoes.
Roast leg of mutton. Smoked beef tongue with spinach.
Currie of chicken, á l' Indienne. Kidneys, sautés, with mushrooms. Baked sweet potatoes. New beets.
Boston baked beans. Pressed corned beef. Game pie. Ribs of beef. Ham. Tongue. Mutton. Pickled tripe. Pickled lamb tongue.
Asparagus salad. Chicken salad. Sliced tomatoes. Lettuce.
Stewed prunes. Apple pie. Pumpkin pie. Ginger snaps. Lady cake. Croquettes Parisiennes. Assorted cake. Pistache ice cream. Fruit. American and foreign cheese. Tea. Coffee.
Tags: ephemera menus advertising advertisements ads paper printed food meals lunches luncheons restaurants hotels Hotel Ponce de Leon Ponce de León Ponce de Leon Hotel Seavey O. D. Seavey Osborn Dunlap Seavey Osborn D. Seavey managers soups fish vegetables meats entrees fruits pies cakes ice creams beverages buildings bottles branches leaves oranges green red blue orange St. Augustine FL Flor. Florida February 25 1888 1880s Victorian 19th century nineteenth century antique old vintage borders typefaces type typography fonts
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Front cover of a menu for a birthday dinner in honor of George Washington, State Normal School, West Chester, Pa., February 22, 1907.
See also the inside pages and back cover.
Birthday Dinner in Honor of George Washington
1732 February 22nd 1907
State Normal School, West Chester, Pa.
Olive Roberta Richwine
Tags: ephemera menus food dinners meals Washington's Birthday Presidents' Day holidays presidents George Washington patriotic flags stars stripes red white blue boats birthdays Washington Crossing the Delaware West Chester Normal School West Chester University of Pennsylvania WCUPA West Chester Pa. Chester County Pennsylvania colleges universities 1907 1900s antique old vintage students type typefaces typography fonts illustrations
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Inside pages of a menu for a birthday dinner in honor of George Washington, State Normal School, West Chester, Pa., February 22, 1907.
See also the front cover and back cover.
Tags: ephemera menus food dinners meals Washington's Birthday Presidents' Day holidays presidents George Washington patriotic flags stars stripes red white blue boats birthdays Washington Crossing the Delaware West Chester Normal School West Chester University of Pennsylvania WCUPA West Chester Pa. Chester County Pennsylvania colleges universities 1907 1900s antique old vintage students type typefaces typography fonts
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