"Compliments of A. D. Harding, artistic photographer, 42 Main St., Susquehanna, Penn'a. Satisfaction guaranteed."
For a delightful collection of similar cards with photos, see Photo_History's set of Calling Cards, Business Cards, and ID Cards.
Tags: ephemera photographs photos CDV CDVs carte de visite business cards trade cards calling cards visiting cards advertising advertisements ads A. D. Harding photographers toys dolls wedding gowns wedding dresses Susquehanna Pa. Susquehanna Depot Susquehanna County Pennsylvania antique old vintage typefaces type typography Main Street Harding Victorian 19th century nineteenth century found photos fonts
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John N. Choate was "the principal photographer for the [Carlisle Indian School in Carlisle, Pa.] from its opening in 1879 until his death in 1902." For more information, see Laura Turner, "John Nicholas Choate and the Production of Photography at the Carlisle Indian School," in Visualizing a Mission: Artifacts and Imagery of the Carlisle Indian School, 1879-1918, exhibit catalog (Carlisle, Pa.: Trout Gallery, Dickinson College, 2004), pp. 14-18.
Tags: ephemera trade cards advertising advertisements ads Choate J. N. Choate photographers photography photographs photos hands flowers Carlisle Pa. Cumberland County Pennsylvania antique old vintage John Nicholas Choate John N. Choate Carlisle Indian School Indian School hands art illustrations addto typ
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"This ticket, upon the purchase of $2.00 or over, will entitle the holder to one life-size crayon portrait unmounted, or photo button unframed, copied from any distinct tin-type or cabinet. Williamson's Big Dept. Store, Lancaster, Pa. Ticket punched in Portrait Dept. for goods purchased anywhere in store. 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10."
Tags: ephemera tickets punch cards cards punches ticket punches loyalty cards business cards advertising advertisements ads Williamson Williamson's Big Department Store Williamson's Department Store H. S. Williamson stores department stores photographs photos crayon portraits portraits crayons photo buttons buttons copies tintypes cabinets cabinet photographs cabinet photos cabinet cards women purchases free numbers Lancaster Pa. Lancaster County Pennsylvania Victorian 19th century nineteenth century antique old vintage borders typefaces type typography fonts
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The Master Photo Finishers of America distributed this advertising slip in 1926 to promote picture taking at Thanksgiving. The ad's morbid suggestion is that you'd better take snapshots of your family when you get together during the holiday this year because some of them might pass away so that "[n]ext year might be too late."
After I posted this advertisement on Flickr, it was mentioned on PetaPixel and featured by Xeni Jardin on Boing Boing: "Get a load of this print ad from the Master Photo Finishers of America, 1926. . . . Scanned and Flickr'd by Alan Mays, whose photo stream is full of wonderful vintage weirdness."
"Save the Day with Snap Shots"
— the day of the year which brings most families together, is a splendid opportunity to take snap-shots of the entire family, both singly and as a group. Next year may be too late.
Have your camera and a few extra film ready.
Master Photo Finishers of America.
Tags: ephemera inserts slips advertising advertisements ads paper printed Thanksgiving holidays photographs photos snapshots photography cameras film Master Photo Finishers of America photo finishers Master Photo Finishers MPFA logos families men women turkeys birds yellow borders pumpkins leaves corn 1926 1920s antique old vintage photo finishing addedtoip typefaces type typography fonts strange unusual text on a curve curved text
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For this cabinet card back, see the full backmark illustration (above) and a detail showing the street scene in front of the photographer's gallery (below).
Although the photographer's name and address appears as "Schlickeisen, 343 Central Avenue, Jersey City, N.J.," on the front of this cabinet card, the name on the sign in the illustration on the back is spelled as "Schlickeysen" (ending in -keysen instead of -keisen). In addition, the arrangement of the street number--"343"--in the palette shapes on either side of the Art Gallery sign is curious, ending with a smaller superscript "3" that seemingly was added after the fact.
Interestingly, Langdon's List of 19th & Early 20th Century Photographers provides some relevant information regarding Gustav Schlickeysen/Schlickeisen. According to Langdon, "Schlickeysen" was the spelling listed in city directories for 1888 and 1889, but during those years the photographer's address was 34 Hancock Avenue, Hoboken, New Jersey, rather than 343 Central Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. Directories for 1891, 1892, and 1893, however, indicate that "Schlickeisen" had already moved to the Central Avenue address in Hoboken.
It's not clear why the spelling of Schlickeysen changed to Schlickeisen when the photographer moved from Hoboken to Jersey City. Although the new spelling appeared on the front of this cabinet card, the sign in the artwork on the back retained the old spelling. The street number, however, was updated by squeezing an extra "3" into the palette shapes to indicate the change from "34" (Hancock Avenue, Hoboken) to "343" (Central Avenue, Jersey City). If the illustration depicts the original gallery in Hoboken, however, I wonder if customers at Schlickeisen's new gallery in Jersey City were still confused by the drawing despite the updated street number.
Finally, it's worth noting that a "Portrait" display case to attract potential customers is situated on the sidewalk in front of the gallery. And notice the horse-drawn tram passing by on the tracks in front of the gallery--an indication of how easy it would be to travel to the gallery.
Tags: ephemera photographs photos cabinet cabinet photographs cabinet photos cabinet cards found photos backs backmarks card backs advertising advertisements ads Schlickeysen Schlickeisen Gustav Gustav Schlickeysen Gustav Schlickeisen Schlickeysen's Art Gallery Art Gallery photographers artists art galleries buildings exteriors studios windows display cases cases portraits signs palettes sidewalks streets railroads railways tracks horses horsecars horse-drawn streetcars trams Hancock Avenue Hoboken Central Avenue Jersey City NJ New Jersey antique old vintage 1880s 1890s 19th century nineteenth century Victorian illustrations add tovict
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