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User / Alan Mays / Sets / Rally Day
Alan Mays / 12 items

N 7 B 15.8K C 0 E Apr 20, 2011 F Apr 20, 2011
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"Next Sunday will be Rally Day in the school. Will you help make it a grand success by being present early yourself? Bring someone not already a member. Urge your parents to come. cordially yours."

Tags:   ephemera postcards patriotic flags stars stripes Rally Day Sunday schools education children red white blue antique old vintage religion churches music musicians bugles musical instruments boys typefaces type typography fonts upd rescan

N 10 B 10.2K C 1 E Apr 6, 2012 F Apr 9, 2012
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"Stop! Look! Listen! Rally Day, Methodist Episcopal Sunday Schools, Ann Street and Riverside, Middletown, Pa., October 1, 1911. It's coming next Sunday afternoon. We will have a great program. Good music. We want to have every member present, 200 visitors, 100 new members. Will you help us to realize our hopes? I am depending on you to be present and bring someone else with you. ________________, teacher."

Tags:   ephemera postcards Rally Day Sunday schools teachers students children education programs members religion churches Methodist Episcopal railroads trains tracks signals stop look listen Ann Street Riverside Middletown Pa. Dauphin County Pennsylvania antique old vintage October 1 1911 1910s typefaces type typography fonts illustrations

N 21 B 7.5K C 1 E Mar 29, 2020 F Mar 28, 2020
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A folded die-cut Rally Day postcard. See the opened (unfolded) Rally Day Treasure Chest to find our what's inside.

Tags:   ephemera postcards folded invitations die cuts religious ephemera paper printed Rally Day Treasure Chest treasure chests chests treasure Rally Day Sunday Sunday schools education children religion churches attendance tabs postcard backing novelties red white black antique old vintage typefaces type typography fonts

N 24 B 7.3K C 1 E Mar 29, 2020 F Mar 28, 2020
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The inside of a Rally Day Treasure Chest, which has a postcard backing. See also the closed (folded) treasure chest.

Next Sunday Is Rally Day

The day of 100% attendance in our school. We must have you present to make our goal! Let's make our school better than ever!

The contents of the treasure chest are all for you: The Book of Books. A Place of Prayer. A Place of Song. A Happy Place. God Is Here! Helpful Friends. Truth and Honor Taught Here. Golden Hours.

Tags:   ephemera postcards folded invitations die cuts religious ephemera paper printed Rally Day Treasure Chest treasure chests chests treasure Rally Day Sunday Sunday schools education children religion churches attendance tabs postcard backing novelties red white black antique old vintage typefaces type typography fonts

N 11 B 9.0K C 0 E Oct 8, 2012 F Oct 9, 2012
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Visit our Sunday-School Air Port; come on a glorious flight
Far to the lands of the Bible, shining in radiant light.
Straight through the heaven of beauty bathed in the sunshine of love,
Come on a tour of the Bible all other journeys above!
Airships are waiting and ready, the pilots are steady and true;
Off we are starting next Sunday, and here is a ticket for you!

Handwritten at bottom: "Zion Lutheran Sunday School, E. Petersburg, Penna., October 27, 1929."

Printed on other side: "Here's your pass for the take-off next Sunday!"

Handwritten address on other side: "Misses Stella and Martha Weaver, R.D. #1, Manheim, Penna."

Postmarked: East Petersburg, Pa., Oct 23, 1929.

Tags:   ephemera postcards folded invitations tickets passes paper printed Rally Day Sunday schools education children religion churches Bible Land pilots aircraft airplanes biplanes monoplanes planes airships dirigibles blimps airports hangars buildings flights flying propellers wings skies clouds crowds men women boys girls question marks flags red blue green tabs pop-ups East Petersburg Pa. Lancaster County Pennsylvania October 27 1929 1920s antique old vintage typefaces type typography fonts addedtoip poems poetry rhymes
