A 1970s sleeper on a sofa. The same woman appears in another photo wearing a dress with bell sleeves instead of the patchwork pants (is that what they're called?) we see here. The same wallpaper pattern is visible in both photos.
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of grabbing some z’s (sleeping somewhere other than a bed or cot).
Tags: ephemera photographs photos found photos color photos snapshots portraits women sleep sleepers sleeping clothes clothing patchwork pants pants hair hair styles fashionable interiors wallpapers patterns furniture sofas couches pillows lamps 1970 1970s antique old vintage vptp
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Lettering on the side of the truck: "The Lititz Truck S[ervice]. Levi H. Y[erger]. Both Phones. No. 8."
Seven men and two kids pose with a truck overloaded with furniture and other household items. One fellow is perched atop the perilous pile, while another is standing precariously on the top step of a ladder at the back of the truck.
A Cyko stamp box ("Cyko - Place Postage Stamp Here") is printed on the back of this divided-back real photo postcard, which indicates that it may date to sometime between 1907 and the 1920s.
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of perched precariously (on a chair, ladder, roof, tower, cliff, etc.).
Tags: ephemera postcards real photo postcards rppc photos photographs portraits found photos Lititz Truck Service Lititz Truck Yerger Levi H. Yerger men children boys clothes clothing overalls hand on hip hands on hips furniture ladders trucks vehicles occupational perched precariously Lititz Pa. Lancaster County Pennsylvania antique old vintage vptp overloaded keep on truckin'
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This is an undated photo of a bicycle with training wheels. The bike is conveniently parked in someone's living room right between an RCA Victor television and a small table with a lamp.
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of bicycle or bicycles.
Tags: ephemera photographs photos found photos snapshots bicycles bikes training wheels televisions TVs television sets TV sets RCA RCA Victor living rooms interiors furniture tables lamps wallpapers designs patterns antique old vintage vptp
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A young boy, who's wearing a robe over pajamas, is playing a toy guitar as he sits on an ottoman. There's a television set on the table behind him, and the walls are covered with the type of knotty pine paneling that was popular in the 1940s and 1950s.
The boy's pajamas and all the Christmas decorations -- a poinsettia on the fireplace, ornaments in a glass bowl on top of the TV, and some more ornaments on the table that's partially visible at the right -- make me wonder if the boy had just received the guitar as a present on Christmas morning.
This is a televisions photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of pick your own theme about things—objects, artifacts, or items.
Tags: ephemera photographs photos found photos color photos snapshots portraits Christmas Xmas December 25 holidays ornaments decorations Christmas decorations interiors rooms walls paneling wood paneling wood knotty pine windows fabrics patterns draperies curtains furniture chairs tables televisions TVs television sets TV sets children boys clothes clothing pajamas robes guitars toy guitars yellow brown borders old vintage vptp
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Handwritten note on the other side of the photo: "Taking it easy in our back yard at Johnson Air Station, Japan, July 1962."
A woman sits in a foldable aluminum webbed chaise lounge chair while her sons play in their kiddie pool. A bamboo fence surrounds the yard, and a Japanese wagasa umbrella provides some protection from the sun. On the right-hand side, the blurred face of a neighbor peers over the fence.
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of kiddie pools (or a regular swimming pool if no kiddie pool).
Tags: ephemera photographs photos found photos snapshots portraits women children boys kiddie pools pools exteriors lawns yards backyards chairs lawn chairs aluminum webbed furniture wagasa umbrella fences bamboo fences bamboo Johnson Air Station Iruma Air Base Japan July 1962 1960s antique old vintage vptp
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