Caption at the bottom of the photo: "[Tommyhill?] triplet calves, Rooks Co., Kans."
For a better view of the calves and cow, see the cropped version.
This is a real photo postcard addressed on the other side to John A. Ginck, Gettysburg, Pa., RR 10, and postmarked Solomon, Kansas, July 21, with the year illegible.
Handwritten message: "Solomon, Kans., July 20. Dear Johnnie, I have not got a letter from you since I left. Heard from Aunt Dall the other day. Finished harvesting Sat. noon. Am starting with a threshing outfit tomorrow morning. Am about 100 miles from where I was working when you [incomplete sentence]. Write address in care of Fred Roltz, Solomon, Kans. Write soon."
A photo of cows for the Vintage Photos Theme Park.
Tags: ephemera postcards real photo postcards rppc photos photographs found photos portraits triplets triplet calves triplet multiple births cows calves calf cattle animals farming farms barnyards yards buildings fences Rooks County KS Kans. Kansas antique old vintage vptp
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For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard.
Tags: ephemera postcards real photo postcards rppc photos photographs found photos portraits triplets triplet calves triplet multiple births cows calves calf cattle animals farming farms barnyards yards buildings fences Rooks County KS Kans. Kansas antique old vintage vptp
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This may appear to be a Halloween-time scene at first glance, but this real photo postcard of women dressed in men's clothing was actually taken during the month of June, judging by the calendar on the wall behind them.
Although the calendar is partially hidden behind the women, I believe it's a bank calendar ("The ----- National Bank"), and it's possible that the location printed on it is Liberal, Kansas. Since June 4 falls on a Friday as shown on the calendar, I'm guessing that the year is 1915 (other possibilities are 1909, 1920, and 1926). The square for Saturday, June 12, seems to be specially marked, so perhaps they're getting ready for a party or some other frivolity on that date.
For an interesting comparison, take a look at the trick or treat photo—Boys' Night Out—that I posted to the Vintage Photos Theme Park about this same time last year.
Originally posted as an in disguise / in costume photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park on Ipernity: Girls' Night Out.
Tags: ephemera postcards real photo postcards rppc photos photographs found photos portraits women costumes clothing clothes hats men's clothing men's hats cross-dressing cross-dressers pipes smoking smokers calendars wall calendars advertising calendars interiors humor humorous funny amusing silly Liberal KS Kans. Kansas June June 12 1915 1910s antique old vintage vptp
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"I'm on my way--I'll be seein' yeh. Photo by F. D. Conard, Garden City, Ks. No. 49."
Originally posted on Ipernity: I'm on My Way!
Tags: ephemera postcards tall-tale postcards tall tales real photo postcards rppc photos photographs exaggerations oversized giant fantasy grasshoppers insects animals men clothes clothing hats riding saddles humor humorous funny comic 1930s antique old vintage Frank Conard Conard F. D. Conard Frank D. Conard Garden City KS Kans. Kansas photographers postcard publishers photographic amusements
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I'm not sure what mama's cooking, but she may be preparing food for a picnic. There appear to be white cloth-covered baskets lying in the grass, with one or two baskets barely visible behind mama and another in the right midground.
"Mama cookin' 'em. Catherine Mueller."
Sent to Mr. W. S. Osgood, 410 Morris Bldg., New Orleans, La., and postmarked Kansas City, Kans., Aug. 20, 1907. There's no other message on the back.
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of cooking: outside or in.
Tags: ephemera postcards real photo postcards rppc photos photographs found photos women mothers mama hats kettles cooks cooking boiling steam food picnics baskets grass trees Mueller Catherine Mueller Kansas City KS Kans. Kansas Osgood W. S. Osgood Morris Building New Orleans La. Louisiana August 20 1907 1900s antique old vintage handwriting Handschrift vptp
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